Thankful Tuesday #1 – Bloggers I Am Thankful for

Posted 15 November, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Uncategorized / 50 Comments

Bloggers I am Thankful For

November is the month of US Thanksgiving, and I felt the need to share some of the bookish people / things I am thankful for. Today, I am sharing some of the bloggers I am thankful for, and why I am thankful for them.

Bloggers - (un)Conventional Bookviews

My blogger-wife, Brandee @ Bookworm Brandee is definitely a blogger I am thankful for! I love her! We ‘met’ during the Armchair BEA in 2013, and hit it off. Since then, we have met in real life twice, and are looking forward to hanging out together in Atlanta for RT in May next year as well. We share a love for books, even the same kinds of books, usually, we have very similar tastes and love the exact same books. We are almost the same age, and we have been married for the same amount of years. And Brandee always manages to make me laugh. Of course, she also makes sure my one-click finger gets enough exercise every week 🙂

Another blogger I am thankful for is Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun. I have had the pleasure of meeting her twice as well, and I am keeping my fingers crossed she’ll be able to make it to Atlanta next year for RT… Berls is my hero! She is a teacher, and she blogs, and she’s strong, and she has an amazing blog. She is one of the three amazing hosts of the COYER challenge, and I love how upbeat she always is. Berls is also an incredible book-pusher 😀

I’m also thankful for Kim @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. I love her Sunday Post, which has permitted me to get to know many new bloggers, and continues to help me find more new bloggers quite often. Kim also reviews a lot of books in the same genres I enjoy reading, so I know I will find more than one to add to my Mt. TBR when I visit her on weekdays, too. I had the pleasure of meeting her in Chicago for BEA in May this year, and we had a great time together. I hope we can meet up again in the future! Kim is very friendly, both on her blog and in real life, and I’m sure many other bloggers feel like they are a big part of the community thanks to her.

Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight is another blogger I am thankful for. I haven’t known her for very long, but I absolutely love her discussion posts, they are very interesting, and she manages to bring a fresh perspective to questions that might have been asked before. Her reviews are great, too, even for the books that I think aren’t for me, if she really liked a book, I’m definitely willing to try something I thought was out of my comfort zone.

I have recently gotten to know Sophia Rose @ Delighted Reader, and I’m thankful for her as well. She’s got some amazing reviews on the space she shares with Shari, and she is amazing with commenting, and asking interesting questions when she stops by here. She always makes me want to read what she’s reviewing, she’s that good. Sophia is very friendly, and I always smile when I see her name in my comment-section.

Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews Oh My! is a great friend, too! I have been chatting with her for a long time, I think almost since I first started blogging over four years ago. We co-host the New Release Challenge, and she’s also one of the hosts of the COYER challenge. Stormi loves cozy mysteries, and even if that’s not my preferred genre, I do pick some up based on her recommendations, and I’m never disappointed. We also met in Chicago during BEA, and I loved being able to spend time with her in the real world.

Then, there is Braine @ Talk Supe Blog, whom I sadly haven’t met yet, but I keep hoping that will happen very soon. Braine has some great features on her blog, like on Saturdays, she has the Bought, Borrowed and Bagged, and on Sundays, she has the Steampunk Sunday. Her reviews never fail to make me want to add the book she’s just reviewed, even if it’s outside of my favorite genres. Braine is also very crafty, and has a shop to sell some of her beautiful creations.

Felicia @ The Geeky Blogger’s Book Blog is fantastic! There, I said it. She is friendly and loveable. She has a great laugh. She loves red wine almost as much as I do. She keeps getting me to listen to amazing audio books. I love hanging out with her, for a good laugh, and also for some quiet times in between chatting each other heads off about books. She loves dogs and invests time (and money) with a rescue organization  – which is one of the recipients of the amazon smile program.

Michelle @ Because Reading is Better Than Real Life is yet another COYER challenge post. And she is a stickler for rules, but I love her anyway. She can tell a story like nobody else I’ve ever known. She made me laugh so hard when she told about the bat in her parents’ house, I almost peed my pants. Michelle also designs beautiful things for blogs and you should check her out over at Limabean Designs, too. Her ideas are always original and make me want to play with her more often than I do…

Another lovely blogger I am thankful for is Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews. She also has an amazing instagram page where she shares beautiful pictures of coffee and books. Gen loves romances and more heavy fiction as well. And she has a lot of amazing recommendations to share every week. I have discovered a lot of new to me authors thanks to her, and she’s never steered me wrong so far.

Nick from Nick and Neyreda’s Infinite Booklist is another blogger I’ve gotten to know this year, and I’m thankful for her, too! She shares some amazing books that are diverse in more ways than one, and she has a great way of sharing her point of view in her reviews. She and Neyreda have been co-bloggers for a year, and they both are great at showing how much love they have for books and each other.

Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads is one of my favorite audiobook bloggers! And I am thankful for her for always being patient with me when I ask questions about narrators, and for loving the same books that I love. I have expanded my listening library tremendously in part thanks to her. I keep my fingers crossed she’ll make it to Atlanta for RT next year, as I loved meeting her in Dallas in 2015.

Another blogger I’m thankful for is Kristin @ Addicted to Happily Ever After. She loves, as you may have guessed from the name of her blog, romances where everything ends well. And so do I! Kristin often helps me find new romances to add to Mt. TBR, and she’s not shy about being happy when I tell her she made me buy a book (or three). Kristin is someone I’d like to meet again, too… Sense a common theme here? I think I’ve gotten addicted to hanging out with bloggers in real life!

There are many more bloggers I enjoy and love to visit, and I’m sure I could have made this post into an infinite list of those I am thankful for. I really am thankful for this whole community, and if you’re not on my list today, that doesn’t mean I don’t love you or that I aren’t thankful for you! I wanted to include 10 bloggers in this post, and I didn’t manage to keep it to that.

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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50 responses to “Thankful Tuesday #1 – Bloggers I Am Thankful for

  1. RO

    It’s great to see so many names in lights and glad I know a few of them, such as Stormi, Kim, Sophia and Braine. All lovely and very fun ladies who shared lots of valuable info. Of course, we’re thankful for you as well, and love the things you do on your blog. Thanks for passing on some new to me bloggers to check out soon! Hugs…RO

  2. Oh wifey! I love this post!! <3 Yeah, it had to be hard to keep the list to 10 – I'd have trouble I think. 😉 But you'd make the top slot on mine. I think it's great you're doing a "Thankful" series even though you don't celebrate Thanksgiving. It's nice to see names I'm very familiar with and a few I'm not so familiar with. I'll have to go meet them though. 😉
    Happy Tuesday, love! I'll be looking for you in the morning. 🙂 *BIG HUGS & LOVE*

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: Review ~ Perfectly Imperfect ~ Harper Sloan
    • xoxo wife <3 I could have gone on and on, because the blogging community is made of amazing, and there are so many fantastic people I have gotten to know thanks to it.
      I try to always be thankful for the things in my life that are good, but it's important to make it explicit every now and then xoxo

      • Muah! Do you girls mind a threesome? Open relationship? Sister wife? Lol

        I love you two and super grateful to have your bloggy relationships. Meeting you both is a must! I failed to catch Brandee when she was here in nashville, maybe next time. And you Lexxie, even if I have to visit you in either Spain or Switzerland (win win for me either way), I will!

        • A threesome with you, Braine? Any time you want to, girl!! It might even become more than a threesome, because we have a very tight relationship with Denise as well:)
          Is there any way you’d be able to come to RT in May next year? We still have room for one one person in our hotel room!!

    • I always feel so lucky to be a part of the book blogger community, Carole 🙂 I don’t know that many people who read for fun like I do, so bloggers opened a whole new world to me! Like our buddy read last week, it was awesome to discuss the book with you while we were reading 🙂

  3. Berls

    I’m honored to be among those you call friends Lexxie! And such high praise – you’re very generous! Thank you 🙂

    I love seeing these posts this time of year – it’s such a nice reminder of all I have to be thankful for. This community is such a blessing. Very cool of you to join in, even though you’re not in the US. We can be thankful regardless, right?

    Happy Tuesday! Hope you’re having an amazing week and making great progress on your thesis!! {{hugs}}

    • I agree, Lauren! Hanging out with bloggers was my favorite thing about BEA as well. It was great to be able to hug those I spend online time with every week, you know? I’m not going to BEA in 2017, I am going to RT in Atlanta. And I can’t wait!

  4. Awww! My friend! Thank you! I miss your face so very much! I am honored to be part of this list of amazing bloggers. I can not wait to see you again. I hope it is soon! oxoxox

    I do have to agree that the bat story is my best story! 🙂 Sadly he never sent a thank you or a christmas card, after all we did for him you would think he would have been more grateful! 😉

    Michelle @Because Reading recently posted: Light Week but still stuff to do ~ Task It Tuesday!
    • I miss your face a lot, too, Michelle! It’s so nice to have met in person, it makes our online interactions even better. And I am still hoping you’ll be able to come to Atlanta in May next year 😉
      Oh my gosh, Michelle, the bat didn’t send you a Christmas card? That’s so inconsiderate!
      Have a great day, my dear! xoxo

  5. Aw, thanks so much Lexxie. I am so honored to be called your friend. I had such a great time with you in Dallas. I hope that I will be able to make it to Atlanta. I still don’t know for sure. As soon as I know something, I will let you know and start looking for a roommate. There are many of my blogger friends on this list as well. {{hugs}}

    Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted: Gratitude Giveaway Blog Hop
  6. I know a lot of the bloggers on your list and they are some of my favorite blogs to visit. I’ve known Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight for about a year now I think and she’s quickly become one of my favorite bloggers. And Brandee is always so nice, i love visiting her blog and I like how she often seems to read books other recommended to her. I always like Sophia her in depth reviews and regularly visit her blog. Michelle is one of the bloggers I’ve know for a long time, I love visiting her blog and I like the awesome design work she’s done for my blog and tour business. I eventually I joined Coyer and met Berls and Stormi through that. They are all great people! I like how Stormi shares my love for cozy mysteries and I got a lot of recommendations from her in the genre. Kim is also a blogger I’ve know for long as the Sunday Post was the first meme I joined right after I stared my blog. I always enjoy Melanie her audiobook reviews and she makes me want to give audiobooks a try once. There are so many more bloggers who’s blogs I love visiting and I would be afraid I forget to mention someone if I would do a post like this one.

    • You’re one of my favorite bloggers, too, Lola, but my list was starting to become too long 🙁 I love that we have a lot of blogger friends in common, and I also hope that one day, we’ll be able to meet in real life!
      We have a fantastic community of book-lovers, and we’re really lucky to have met all of these other bloggers, to have someone to chat with about books we enjoy (or don’t enjoy) every day – even if we’re all in different places in the world 🙂

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