Genre: LGBT

Blogtour Review: My Cowboy Promises – Z.A. Maxfield

Blogtour Review: My Cowboy Promises – Z.A. Maxfield

Welcome to my stop on the My Cowboy Promises blogtour, hosted by Enchantress of Books Blogtours. I have my review to share with you, as well as an international giveaway and an excerpt! My Cowboy Promises review: My Cowboy Promises truly showed how difficult it can be to be different in a small town. Firstly because Andi and Ryder got married just after high-school, and then had Jonas. Secondly because their relationship really wasn’t what it seemed like on the surface, and for those watching from the outside. Especially the way they both put Jonas first in every important decision they made had my heart flutter for both of them! Because they were showing the world what it wanted to […]


Review: The Prince – Tiffany Reisz

Review: The Prince – Tiffany Reisz

The Prince is so well written! Even with all the kink that kind of makes me uncomfortable, I love this series and the characters so much! My The Prince review: The Prince is different than the first two books in the Original Sinners series, if only for the fact that while Søren and Nora are separated for a big part of the story, I was still able to follow both of them. And I loved that Wes was so present, too, because of how things were left between him and Nora when they parted ways. The mystery wasn’t all that mysterious to me though, which is one part of why I didn’t give The Prince five stars. I thought some […]


Review: Uncovering Ray – Edie Danford

Review: Uncovering Ray – Edie Danford

Uncovering Ray was a surprising, tender and emotional story, and I will definitely be checking out more titles from this author in the future! My Uncovering Ray review: Ray is a very interesting character, struggling with identity on different levels, both when it comes to family and when it comes to gender. Uncovering Ray really does uncover Ray, and the one character to do that is Wyatt. At the beginning of the story, I thought Wyatt was just another jock, playing with Ray by coming by the café to watch, talk and ask questions for his gender studies class. I quickly realized that Wyatt was the real thing, though, curious about sexuality, and pretty open-minded and very smart. As Uncovering […]


Review: Songs Unfinished – Holly Stratimore

Review: Songs Unfinished – Holly Stratimore

Songs Unfinished is a beautiful love story featuring great characters, music, friendship and romance – well written and sounding true, I both had tears in my eyes at times, and good laughs at other times. My Songs Unfinished review: I enjoyed all the different parts of Songs Unfinished. Shawn and Jaymi both are very well done characters, and they both have to come to terms with their pasts so they can start living in the present, and plan their future. Story-wise, I was enchanted, both because I could relate to characters I don’t have much in common with in real life, and because they are both musicians and I love music. What the characters have been through in the past […]


Blogtour Review: Winter’s Wolf – Tara Lain

Blogtour Review: Winter’s Wolf – Tara Lain

Welcome to my stop on the Winter’s Wolf blogtour, hosted by Enchantress of Books Blogtours. I have my review to share with you today, as well as my favorite quotes and an international giveaway! So come on in and get comfy with Winter 😉 My Winter’s Wolf review: Winter’s Wolf blew me away! Winter is a great character, and I loved how true to himself he stayed throughout the story. Matt, the FBI agent we met in Wolf in Gucci Loafers had a very important part to play, too.  I loved how Damon, Winter’s father, changed his outlook on a lot of things as well, because at the beginning, he was slightly homophobe, had very strict views on human / […]


Review: Dirty London – Kelley York

Review: Dirty London – Kelley York

Dirty London is a different kind of coming of age story, because London needs to find herself again, deal with those who might not accept her, and fight to get her confidence back. My Dirty London review: I can’t even tell you how much I loved Dirty London! It is well written, and London is a great character to follow through her journey to accept herself, to find herself and to make sure her last year of high-school won’t be wasted trying to never be noticed. Written in first person present tense, with some added information through London’s blog posts that she uses as her diary, I felt like I got to know her very well, and I couldn’t help […]

Posted 16 February, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 11 Comments

Review: Three of Hearts – Kelly Jamieson

Review: Three of Hearts – Kelly Jamieson

Hotter than hot, three musicians finally act on the feelings they have for each other in Three of Hearts. My Three of Hearts review: Between Haylee, Ben and Lucas, there has always been a kind of tension, but Haylee has always brushed it off as a strong friendship and a common love for their music. At the beginning of Three of Hearts, when Haylee found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her, she thought she wasn’t going to be able to go through with their last concert, but Ben and Lucas managed to get her to be angry rather than sad, and it was their best concert ever. After the concert, she drinks a little too much, but not […]

Posted 9 February, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 14 Comments

Review: More than Friends – Aria Grace

Review: More than Friends – Aria Grace

More than Friends is a short story, in which Ryan figures out he might like guys a lot more than he previously thought. My More than Friends review: More than Friends is quite well written, but I had a little trouble with Ryan’s complete turn-about that happened so quickly. At the beginning of the story, he’s a little sad because he and his girlfriend Brooke broke up, so he kind of hooks up with a girl in a bar, and comes with her to her cousin’s, Zach, place. He falls asleep on the coach, while she goes into a bedroom all alone. The next day, he is invited back to Zach’s for a party, and he is a little uneasy […]


Giveaway and Blogtour Review: Canning the Center – Tara Lain

Giveaway and Blogtour Review: Canning the Center – Tara Lain

Welcome to my stop on the Canning the Center blogtour! If you have been here before, you know that I love Tara Lain’s stories! There are some really sexy male characters in them, and they all have to deal with discrimination because of their LGBTQ status in society. Some hide, others are well out in the open… Today, I’m sharing my Canning the Center review, some of my favorite quotes and there’s a giveaway, too! My Canning the Center review: Canning the Center might just be the best LGBT story I have read so far, it has everything – a hot football player who’s still in the closet, but really wants to come out, a beautiful and smart man who […]


Blogtour and Review: Outing the Quarterback – Tara Lain

Blogtour and Review: Outing the Quarterback – Tara Lain

Welcome to my stop on the Outing the Quarteback blogtour! This tour is hosted by Enchantress of Books Blogtours, and you can find the other tour-stops by clicking on the image above. My first reaction after reading this amazing story was just WOW, oh my goodness! Tara Lain has totally outdone herself – I loved Will and Noah, and Jamal and Eve were great characters, too. My Outing the Quarterback review: Secrecy, hurt and heartache are very much present in Outing the Quarterback. Will wants to be able to keep it together for just one more year until he finishes high-school, then he’ll go off and live his own dreams rather than his dad’s. Being the star quarterback, and dating […]
