Review: The Prince – Tiffany Reisz

Posted 27 May, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 14 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: The Prince – Tiffany ReiszThe Prince by Tiffany Reisz
Series: Original Sinners #3
Published by Harlequin MIRA on 20 November 2012
Genres: Adult, BDSM, Erotica, LGBT
Pages: 416
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Purchase
4 Stars

Two worlds of wealth and passion call to Nora Sutherlin and, whichever one she chooses, it will be the hardest decision she will ever have to make. Unless someone makes it for her...
Wes Railey is the object of Nora's tamest yet most maddening fantasies, and the one man she can't forget. He's young. He's wonderful. He's also thoroughbred royalty and, reuniting with him in Kentucky, she's in his world now. But this infamous New York dominatrix is no simpering Southern belle, and Nora's dream of fitting into Wesley's world is perpetually at odds with the relentlessly seductive pull of Soren--her owner, her lover, the forever she cannot have. At least, not completely.
Meanwhile Nora's associate Kingsley Edge is only too happy to take her place at Soren's feet during her hiatus. Soren is the only man Kingsley has ever loved, and their dark, shared history has forged a bond that neither the years--nor Soren's love for Nora--can break. But a new threat from an old adversary is forcing Kingsley to confront the past, reminding him that he must keep his friends close, and his enemies closer.

The Prince is so well written! Even with all the kink that kind of makes me uncomfortable, I love this series and the characters so much!

My The Prince review:

The Prince is different than the first two books in the Original Sinners series, if only for the fact that while Søren and Nora are separated for a big part of the story, I was still able to follow both of them. And I loved that Wes was so present, too, because of how things were left between him and Nora when they parted ways. The mystery wasn’t all that mysterious to me though, which is one part of why I didn’t give The Prince five stars. I thought some of the flash-backs gave away a few too many clues, and I was kind of disappointed to be right.

I really enjoyed how all the different characters from the different parts of Nora’s life worked together to figure things out, though, especially after she was kidnapped and even Wes and Søren had to play nice to figure out the best way to make sure she was safe. The Prince definitely had all the ingredients to be an amazing story, and even Grace showed up for a while, helping to find Nora, and getting her reward for hanging around… which brings me to another thing I think I’ve figured out already… we shall see if I am right or not.

Because Nora spent a lot of her time with Wes, her romantic scenes were very tender and different in The Prince, and I thoroughly enjoyed this aspect of her. The writing was beautiful as always, apart from a big pet-peeve of mine, namely the fact that there were grammatical errors in both the French and the Danish sentences that were used. No language can be translated word for word into another language, and it always makes me both sad and a little peeved when things aren’t done properly in a language that so many readers actually know.

Of course, I will continue reading this series, I have become slightly obsessed with Nora, Søren, Kingsley, Michael, Grace and Zach, and all the others. One of my favorite things when penetrating a story (see what I did there?) is to see the characters grow and change, and Ms. Reisz is an expert of making that happen!

Some of my favorite The Prince quotes:

The thief closed the file for the final time, and then and there decided the best course of action. The thief would proceed… cautiously.

Everywhere he looked he saw churches, or at least buildings with pretensions of being one. A cross adorned every roof.

The priest held out his hand to him, but he paused before shaking it. Celibacy seemed like a disease to him – one that might be catching.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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14 responses to “Review: The Prince – Tiffany Reisz

  1. RO

    This is not an author I’ve heard of before, but based on the title and cover, I think I would have picked it up. Sounds like there is a lot going on to keep the interest moving, which is great in a series. Loved your review. hugs…

  2. Was this the one you were reading at RT? I remember you talking about the grammatical issues with the French… I’m sorry The Prince didn’t quite *wow* you as much as the previous books in the series. Hopefully, the next books do. I loved your play with the word penetration, by the way. 😉 Lex, I have so many, many books to read this summer…I don’t know where to start! *ha*

    I wish we were chatting over a glass of wine (or champagne) and organizing a smaller list for me to choose from. 🙂 I’d especially like a list for Hawaii. I plan on reading lots while I’m there. How do you choose what you’re going to read next???

    Enjoy the rest of your Thursday! **BIG HUGS**

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: Review ~ Paradise City ~ CJ Duggan
    • Yup, it is the one I read at RT, Brandee. The Prince was still a great story, though, the characters are so complex and well done and the writing is really good, too.

      I wish we were chatting over a drink, too, Brandee! I usually just go through my TBR list on Goodreads when I’m looking for my next read, and also select a 2nd shelf with the genre I think I’m in the best mood for… Or I flip through my kindle and open a book to read the first few lines to see if that would work for me right now…
      *BIG HUGS*

  3. I saw, I saw 😉 I’m both attracted by this author and repelled by the BDSM stuff (not my thing, except when it’s very light), so I’ll see – I have “Little red riding crop” on my tablet ! I’m glad you enjoyed it, but I’m with you on the translation mistakes, hugh !

    Red Iza recently posted: BEA armchair day 3 : Blogging
    • You know, Iza, BDSM really isn’t normally my cup of tea either! However, even if that is a very present theme in The Original Sinners series, it’s not the only theme, and Reisz’ writing is just beautiful.
      I think translation mistakes like those in this series could be very easily avoided, just ask a fan, or someone on the ARC list to check foreign languages… maybe I’ll updated my ‘about me’ page both here on the blog and on Netgalley to include the languages I speak (and write) fluently 😉

    • The characters are so complex and even if they are very, very different from me, I have come to love them, Suzi. Also, the writing is amazing, so you should definitely try TR’s books as soon as you have a chance to 🙂

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