Icon Tag: Erotica

Review: Bad Deeds – Lisa Renee Jones

Review: Bad Deeds – Lisa Renee Jones

Bad Deeds was a fast-paced and exciting read, with a monumental cliff-hanger that left me breathless and incredulous. Story: Following straight after the ending of Damage Control, Bad Deeds is faster paced, and because I have gotten to know the characters much better, I was more involved as well. The danger is stronger, as is the rivalry between family members, until something happens to make a change. Emily is put in extreme danger and a situation she could never have seen coming. And the plot continues to thicken. Characters: Shane and Emily are still the main characters, however, the readers get more time with Derek, Seth and Jessica, which makes for a more even story in some ways. Writing style […]


Review: Damage Control – Lisa Renee Jones

Review: Damage Control – Lisa Renee Jones

There is even more action and danger in Damage Control than in the first book. Emily and Shane have a lot difficulties to deal with; most of it outside of their control. Story: Danger galore in Damage Control. And the familial relationships are more than tense. Emily is still keeping back part of herself, as she is too afraid her past will catch up with her and damage Shane. The plot moves forward nicely, and the pace is fairly even. There are a lot of sex scenes, and sometimes, I skimmed part of them, as I didn’t feel they always added something to the actual story. Characters: Shane is fairly standoffish in some ways, but he really cares for Emily. […]


Review: The Red – Tiffany Reisz

Review: The Red – Tiffany Reisz

The Red is mysterious, scandalous, strange, and weirdly arousing. If I had to put The Red into a genre box, I’d be in big trouble, as it’s a great mix with the strongest part being erotica. As always, Reisz managed to draw me in from the beginning with her enticing Mona and the very mysterious Malcolm. There is a fairy tale feel to this story, there is something that is similar to magic, but not quite, and there is also some very erotic passages, where the lines between real life and something not completely real are blurred. The Red follows Mona after she realizes that she might not be able to keep her death-bed promise to her mom. Keeping the […]


Review: His Turn – J. A. Huss

Review: His Turn – J. A. Huss

His Turn was quite different from what I expected, the plot was definitely twisted, and there was a lot of darkness. Bric needed to work quite a bit in order to move forward with his life after the last game ended. Bric was not only in a dark place, he seemed to like it there, too! His Turn showed how demotivated he was with everything after Quin and Smith left him behind to be with their women. Nadia was an enigma, though, it took me a long time to figure anything out about her at all, and while I enjoyed the way she seemed to be one step ahead of Bric, I think I might have enjoyed it even more […]


Review: Hard Rules – Lisa Renee Jones

Review: Hard Rules – Lisa Renee Jones

Hard Rules is a suspenseful read, but I found the first half to be too slow… Things definitely picked up towards the end, though, and I’m happy to have the next book already on my kindle! Hard Rules had characters with so many secrets it almost made me dizzy! Emily and Seth met by chance, and Emily was on edge from the beginning. They met again the same day, after Seth finished work, and he persuaded her to have dinner with him – and then he brought her home with him. Their attraction was hot and instant, and for the first part of the book, that was the main part of the story. Attraction, seduction, secrets, and lust. The slowness […]


Review: The Play – Karina Halle

Review: The Play – Karina Halle

The Play was way hot, and I fell head over heels for the damaged Lachlan and for Kayla as well. My feels were in overdrive during The Play, I’m not kidding. Lachlan has so many demons he literally lives in his own private hell; even if he’s able to keep said demons at bay most of the time. It’s funny to me that I didn’t really like Kayla much before I started reading this, but here, I got to understand her better, and now I love her. Between the sexy, Scottish rugby player who started out very stand-offish, and the man-eater who has sworn off men, the sparks flew. Even if Kayla and Lachlan both did their best to resist. […]


Blogtour Review: Sex in the Sticks – Sawyer Bennett

Blogtour Review: Sex in the Sticks – Sawyer Bennett

Welcome to my stop on the Blogtour for Sex in the Sticks! Sex in the Sticks is funny, very hot and with cute characters. There were several hilarious moments in Sex in the Sticks, and there were even more extremely hot moments… I found the overall story to be cute, albeit a little bit cliché with the woman from the big city going to the Alaska wilderness to find a man who wasn’t metrosexual with a better manucure than her. Valentine and her blog made me laugh out loud more than once, especially because she had partly started her sex-blog to shock her family. Sex in the Sticks started out a bit tentative, as Val left her big city behind, […]


Review: Rock F*ck Club – Michelle Mankin

Review: Rock F*ck Club – Michelle Mankin

Rock F*ck Club is a hot little number, where a woman takes back control and goes on a quest of rock stars to take back power and control. Rock F*ck Club started with Raven seeing something that can’t be unseen – her rockstar boyfriend with another girl. Totally doing it, and then asking her to join in so as to not be a bore. At first, she was devastated, but then she decided that she really should live things up and be less boring. But only on her own terms, not someone else’s. Strong, empowered women are often seen as bullies, sluts, ‘manly’, noisy… Rock F*ck Club managed to take the slut part out of the equation, even as Raven […]


Review: Turning Back – J.A. Huss

Review: Turning Back – J.A. Huss

Turning Back was so filled with intrigue it was difficult to see which way was up and which way was down. Main feels for the beginning of Turning Back was kind of removed. I didn’t feel any of the characters, and even their smexy scenes seemed a little clinical to me. I didn’t really feel the hotness as I’d expected, and Bric acted like such an arse I wanted to skim his chapters, to tell you the truth. The story in Turning Back is well written, and the theme of second chance is one I absolutely love. It took a while for me to think that Rochelle actually deserved a second chance, though. Because the way she left Quin behind […]


Review: Taking Turns – J.A. Huss

Review: Taking Turns – J.A. Huss

Oh man! Taking Turns is dark. And addictive. And enticing. And twisted. And mysterious. And sexy. And so very complex and complicated. Taking Turns made me a little uneasy before I picked it up. I mean, yeah, Huss is one of my favorite authors, but her stuff can be extremely dark. And taboo. And a little uncomfortable. And pushing boundaries. And expanding my reading horizons pretty far off what I had imagined. So, reading about one girl and not two, but three guys. Yeah, definitely uneasy! And it was definitely a dirty story. But it was much more than that! It was about secrets. Really bad childhoods. Redemption, hope, respect, and possibly even love. It is quite difficult to review […]

Posted 16 January, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 19 Comments