Review: Taking Turns – J.A. Huss

Posted 16 January, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 19 Comments

*I received a free copy of Taking Turns from via . This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Taking Turns – J.A. HussTaking Turns Series: Turning #1
on 18 January 2017
Pages: 337
4.5 Stars

I’ve never been afraid of the dark...but that doesn’t mean I wanted to live in it. And maybe everyone wants what they can’t have, but I should’ve thought it over before I accepted the key and unlocked the door to their forbidden world.

Number One is mostly silent. He watches me with them very carefully. His gaze never wanders. His interest never wanes.

Number Two is mostly gentle. But it’s the other side of him I like best. The wild side.

Number Three is mostly reserved. He refuses to cross the line. Even when I beg.

It was carnal, it was sensual, and it was erotic. That’s it. That’s all it was supposed to be. A trip into the dark. A peek into the forbidden.

Oh man! Taking Turns is dark. And addictive. And enticing. And twisted. And mysterious. And sexy. And so very complex and complicated.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Taking Turns made me a little uneasy before I picked it up. I mean, yeah, Huss is one of my favorite authors, but her stuff can be extremely dark. And taboo. And a little uncomfortable. And pushing boundaries. And expanding my reading horizons pretty far off what I had imagined. So, reading about one girl and not two, but three guys. Yeah, definitely uneasy! And it was definitely a dirty story. But it was much more than that! It was about secrets. Really bad childhoods. Redemption, hope, respect, and possibly even love.

It is quite difficult to review Taking Turns without ruining any of the dark surprises or the mystery that surrounds the guys, the girl and the club! And I think it’s really good to be taken down this somber path without knowing too much in advance, like the whole experience has to do with daring to go with the flow, and walking into the unknown.

Written in first person point of view, present tense, with alternating perspectives so the readers get to see inside the heads of all four characters, Taking Turns took me on one of the darkest spins I’ve ever been on in my reading life. And I have to say I can’t wait to read the next book in this series – the darkness was like a promise, and now I just need more.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Rochelle Bastille is a twenty-seven-year-old musician Bric met at a party three years ago. Some corporate event put on to celebrate… whatever. God only knows what he really does for Smith. 

Well, this is an interesting twist. I have to say, of all the things I imagined happening tonight, a missing Rochelle was never on that list. And yet – 

★★★★½ #ARC #Review: Taking Turns - J.A. Huss - Dark, twisted, enticing and mysterious Click To Tweet

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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19 responses to “Review: Taking Turns – J.A. Huss

  1. Dale Gardiner

    Wow! Lexxie. The fact you can’t really comment has me so intrigued. So is it darker than 321? That’s still my fave. Everything she does is fabulous – a train wreck you can’t look away from! Looking forward to reading this ??

    • Well there are so many secrets here, and I don’t want you or anyone else to feel even the slightest bit spoiled 🙂 It’s both darker and not than 321, as it’s different… how’s that for a non-answer? Taking Turns is a beautiful and deliciously dark train wreck, that’s for sure!

  2. Berls

    I like dark and I love Julie’s work. I saw you’re review on my feedly and thought, “a new series?! maybe I can actually get in on the ground floor for once and have a hope of catching up.” After reading your review I’m convinced this is one that I want to read so… I just pre-ordered it on Amazon. I’m determined to finish up my TBR read fast enough to fit this in before I need to get to my next set of book club books!

    Happy Monday Lexxie! Hope you’re having a great day -I get the day off and boy did I need it 🙂 Slept until 8:30 when Buffy wouldn’t let me sleep anymore! miss you! xoxoxo

    • Yes, a new series, Berls! I’m so glad you’ve preordered it, we can chat about it afterwards 😀 I loved it – darkness and all. And I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy it as well.
      I’m glad you were able to sleep in 🙂 Days off are awesome 😉 Miss you, too!! xoxoxo

  3. I surprised myself a few years ago when I reached for a darker story like this and ended up being captivated. It pushed me, but also made me think and experience beyond my usual. I’ve not read JA Huss yet, but I’ll consider them when I get in that mood.

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  4. *squee* I’m happy you liked Taking Turns as much as I did, Lexxie. And you’re right, this is a read best gone into without knowing too much. It’s an experience for sure. Huss can surprise us, surpassing all she’s done before, huh? That’s the way I felt about it anyway. I’m looking forward to book #2!
    **BIG HUGS & LOVE**

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