Author: K.I. Lynn

Review ~ Reciprocity ~ K.I. Lynn

Review ~ Reciprocity ~ K.I. Lynn

Yes! In Reciprocity, Nathan and his “beast” were back in this final installment and that made for an intense and entertaining read! But lest you think it was all about Nathan, I have to say how much I adored seeing how Lila changed – blossomed – as she healed. Her self-confidence grew and seeing her stand up for herself, in most cases, was inspiring. Reciprocity, being the finale of Nathan’s and Lila’s story, sees them enduring a few more obstacles. These particular hurdles could have life altering consequences but Nathan and Lila are stronger, especially together, and they’re out to prove they can weather any storm. Ms. Lynn gave us a treat in getting both Lila’s and Nathan’s POV for […]


Double Review ~ Dissolution & Infraction ~ K.I. Lynn

Double Review ~ Dissolution & Infraction ~ K.I. Lynn

Dissolution was a quick read but well worth the time. This little glimpse inside Nathan’s head – seeing how he felt after what he did to Lila – was enlightening. Understanding dawned over why he felt the need to act the way he did – especially considering how strong his feelings are – but I agreed with what Andrew and Caroline did. It was cowardly no matter the good intentions behind his actions. However, seeing Nathan’s pain and how he reacted at the end, I’m eager to see if he can redeem himself in Lila’s eyes…and mine. Onto Infraction.     Although Infraction didn’t pack quite the punch of Breach, I enjoyed having the front row seat as Nathan and […]


Review ~ Breach ~ K.I. Lynn

Review ~ Breach ~ K.I. Lynn

  Oh my! So I read Breach because it’s been hanging around on my kindle for, um, a few years, and because K.I. Lynn was attending Bookish Denver (summer of 2017) so I decided it was high time I get this one read! And, as happens often, I’m kicking myself for not having read it sooner! Y’all, I’m almost vibrating in anticipation of the next books in the series (luckily I bought the boxset at some point) because I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! Highlights: Office Romance And Nathan isn’t Delilah’s boss! Nathan and Delilah are both contract attorneys and office mates. Office romance is a favorite trope of mine anyway but this one is done so well – […]

Posted 5 September, 2018 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 16 Comments