Review ~ Breach ~ K.I. Lynn

Posted 5 September, 2018 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 16 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review ~ Breach ~ K.I. LynnBreach by K.I. Lynn
Series: Breach #1
Published by Selfpublished on April 21, 2013
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 293
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Purchase
4.5 Stars

Delilah Palmer has always maintained control of her life and outward personality, blocking the truth that’s just below the surface. Using a façade meant to be normal and hide the scars of her childhood, she's made a good life for herself. Becoming a successful lawyer, she is finally free from the tortured past that haunts her daily. Until he comes along and breaks open the cracks.

Nathan Thorne has a haunted past of his own. On the surface, he is personable, extroverted, and loved by everyone; everything Delilah isn't. However, hidden beneath his charming smile is a dark and tormented man that only Delilah has the power to unveil.

Forced into a small office together, they begin to see through each other's masks, and the magnetic attraction ignites an explosive relationship. Their firm, Holloway and Holloway Law, has a strict non-fraternization policy, forcing them to conceal their breach. But despite their efforts, separation becomes impossible, deceptions escalate, and Nathan begins to teeter on the edge of being overtaken by his past demons.

What dark secrets does Nathan harbor that stop him from giving in, and what is it that keeps him from healing and moving forward? And more importantly, where does Delilah fit into his turmoil? Will they be able to accept love and deal with all the trials that develop as their secrets are exposed, or will they fall through the cracks of their pasts and be consumed by all that haunts them?


Oh my! So I read Breach because it’s been hanging around on my kindle for, um, a few years, and because K.I. Lynn was attending Bookish Denver (summer of 2017) so I decided it was high time I get this one read! And, as happens often, I’m kicking myself for not having read it sooner! Y’all, I’m almost vibrating in anticipation of the next books in the series (luckily I bought the boxset at some point) because I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!


  • Office Romance
    And Nathan isn’t Delilah’s boss! Nathan and Delilah are both contract attorneys and office mates. Office romance is a favorite trope of mine anyway but this one is done so well – with Delilah hating on all the women constantly throwing themselves at Nathan and her attempt to ignore her own attraction to him. But this is no office romance comedy. Nope. There are some deep-rooted issues for both Nathan and Delilah which made the story rich and complex, especially considering Nathan’s story is a secret.
  • Strong Characters
    Both Nathan and Delilah are smart but they both are avoiding the courtroom for their own very different reasons. They’re both witty too and when that wit is turned into snark and used on each other, it’s razor sharp. Their chemistry, despite their valiant attempts at denying it, is combustible. I also liked how they worked together once they gave in – how they were supportive in as far as the other would allow. They were just a good fit.
  • Suspense
    Not knowing the details of Nathan’s life or why he’s so secretive about it kept me riveted to the story just waiting for that shoe to drop. And when it did…hoo-boy!

The only thing that was a drawback or a negative in my opinion – and this is completely my personal taste – was that I didn’t like some of the things Nathan said to Delilah during the sexy times. It totally worked for Delilah *wink* but it kinda bothered me.

Breach was a winner and I’ll be continuing the series ASAP!


Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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16 responses to “Review ~ Breach ~ K.I. Lynn

  1. I wonder if I’d enjoy the things he said to Delilah, or not . . . What I do know is that Nathan’s life sounds mysterious enough for me to want to discover all about it/him 😉 Glad you loved this one, I sure hope you will enjoy the rest of the series!

    Silvia recently posted: When in RARE18 Rome . . .
    • It was really just a personal preference sort of thing, Silvia, but Nathan is definitely worth meeting. Talking about this book has made me want to read it again. LOL I’ve already finished the series so you’ll be seeing those reviews soon. 🙂

  2. Great review, Brandee! It’s kind of refreshing to see an office romance where the female character isn’t involved with the boss. I think that’s kinda played out. So this sounds great!

    • Sigh. I need to start reading books that I’ve had on my ereaders the longest. I’m sure there are some real gems. 🙂 Breach, though, was so good. I really, really loved it. And I’ve read the series – with the exception of 1 she published after I thought I was finished – so you’ll be seeing those reviews soon. 🙂 By the way, I loved reading in your bio at Delighted Reader about the number of kindles you have…made me feel better since I only have 4. Hahahaha

  3. I love it when they take a common trope and opt for a different set up like that instead of typical boss/employee. Sounds pretty good! Quite the cover, too!

    (and I’m comment bombing today, sorry! Trying to catch up with everyone lol)

  4. Isn’t it weird how we leave books sitting around for so long and then end up loving them? I didn’t know office romance was one of your fave tropes. Glad to hear it was done so well here! And that the characters fit so well together. Glad you liked this 🙂

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