Review: Wicked Ride – Rebecca Zanetti

Posted 22 June, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments

*I received a free copy of Wicked Ride from Kensington Books via Netgalley. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Review: Wicked Ride – Rebecca ZanettiWicked Ride by Rebecca Zanetti
Series: Realm Enforcers #1
Published by Kensington Books on 23 June 2015
Genres: Adult, Paranormal Romance, Suspense
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley

4 Stars

Alexandra Monzelle is a hard-fighting, heat-packing Seattle vice cop, and she’s not much interested in being protected. Her short skirt and sex-kitten heels are tools to lure her suspects into talking about the deadly new drug hitting the streets. She can take care of herself and then some. Unfortunately, she can’t seem to get that through to Kellach Dunne.

Kellach is a fresh import from Dublin, and he’s landed at the heart of a vicious motorcycle club that deals in guns, narcotics, and mayhem. He’s all male, all rough power—and all interference in her damn investigation. Maybe he’s one of the good guys. Maybe not. Lex knows an affair with an immortal like him would risk everything. No matter how delicious he looks…

A fast-paced story, Wicked Ride has male and female witches, enhanced humans, demons, vampires, shifters… Romance and suspense, too.

My Wicked Ride review:

A sassy cop and a dark, enigmatic enforcer, Alexandra and Kellach are the main characters in Wicked Ride, the first book in Zanetti’s new series Realm Enforcers. A great introduction to this universe, where humans, witches, vampires, shifters and demons live side by side, but with the humans thinking they’re ‘it’. I loved how Alexandra had so much courage, knew how to fight and was quite ruthless when it came to fighting crime and criminals. Kellach was a force to reckon with, and I really enjoyed his sarcasm and Irish brogue 😉

The overall storyline took me to Seattle, where Alexandra is fighting to keep a new drug of the streets, and Kellach doesn’t only want to rid the city of this drug, he needs to. At first, it seemed as if the two were working against each other, even if they had the same goal, and mostly this was because Kellach had to be so secretive about not being human. Alexandra showed a lot of strength in most of Wicked Ride, however, she got weak in the knees around Kellach, and while it did bother me a little bit, I couldn’t really fault her for it, either. Because wow!

As I got to know these characters better, and realized that one of the reasons Alexandra was so adamant to keep drugs off the streets of Seattle, I couldn’t help but want to cheer her on. While Lex wasn’t always making sense, especially because she was waffling between trusting Kellach and thinking he was the mastermind she was after, I still enjoyed both the story and the characters very much.

Written in third person point of view, mostly from Lex’s perspective, and in past tense, Wicked Ride was a solid start to a new series, and I can’t wait to see where it will go next. Both the main and the secondary characters were worth getting to know, and I have high hopes for stories with Kellach’s brothers, Simone, and even Lex’s sister as the main characters in the future.

Some of my favorite Wicked Ride quotes:

He’d saved her life, and that meant something to her. She was so damn tired of fighting and of being alone. For once, she just wanted to feel.

She’d never felt like this. Worshiped and taken all at once. He was completely into the moment, completely into her. the knowledge went to her head, and she caressed down to his truly fine ass.

That quickly, that smoothly, that unintentionally… she stole his heart. Her fierceness aroused him, and her intellect intrigued him. But that sweetness in such a warrior? Yeah. That owned him.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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