The Sunday Post #36 – Weekly Wrap-up
Welcome to my Sunday Post. Thank you to Kimba over at The Caffeinated Reviewer, who is hosting this weekly event. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.
This week has been a little slower than the prior weeks, which is so nice! I have only had to meet with my students to hand back their final exam. Most of them were quite happy, and all of them passed English this year – even if they may not have passed all the other subjects they had. Some of the boys even had a little ‘thank you teacher’ song for me – it was both funny and extremely cheesy!
My nephew arrived from Norway for a ten-day visit with us. He’s grown so much! He’s taller than both my husband and me, and also taller than all my kids, even if he’s not the oldest of the cousins. It’s fun to see the cousins together, they don’t get to see each other all that often, but they really get along very well.
Also on Thursday, I got my own exam results back, too, and I’ve passed the exams I had for this semester, so I finally have some credits stored for my MA now. I have to papers to write and hand in for the beginning of August, and I am going to do my very best to finish my whole MA, including my 60-75 page thesis for next summer. Then, I’ll ‘only’ have a second MA to do in pedagogy, and I’ll finally be a teacher. It’s a very long road, and I am starting to be a little bit sick of studying now – with a little luck, I’ll enjoy my classes next year and get back to being motivated and hard-working 😉
Oh, and I also got myself a new keyboard protection for my macbook, it’s very soft because it’s silicon,and I absolutely love the colors! What do you think?
This week’s posts:
- [16 Jun] Teaser Tuesday #52 – Hollywood on Tap
- [17 Jun] Waiting on Wednesday #50 – Barbara the Slut and Other People
- [18 Jun] Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts #20 – Bad Ex Karma
- [19 Jun] Up Close and (un)Conventional #15 – ARC vs Older Review
- [20 Jun] STS #88 Bought Borrowed and Bagged #38 – #COYER start
- [21 Jun] The Sunday Post #36
This week’s reviews:
- [15 Jun] Bad Ex Karma by Donna Cummings ★★★★★
- [16 Jun] Paperweight by Meg Haston ★★★★
- [17 Jun] Shakespeare's Landlord by Charlaine Harris ★★★★
- [18 Jun] My Cowboy Promises by Z.A. Maxfield ★★★★
- [19 Jun] The Archived by Victoria Schwab ★★★★
- [20 Jun] Enemies on Tap by Avery Flynn ★★★
Elsewhere in the Blogosphere:
Amy @ A Novel Start wonders What Makes a Bookblog Successful?
Brandee @ Bookworm Brandee shares some amazing photos from her recent trip to Yellowstone in her Beyond the Books post this week.
What have you been up to this past week? Don’t forget to leave me a link so I can come visit your Sunday Post as well.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!
Hi Lexxie,
You’re so sweet! Thank you for sharing my link 🙂 it’s strange because that whole post came to me while I was sat in the garden on a rare sunny day, lol.
Congratulations on passing your exams! You must be so pleased! At least that’s a few more off the check list right? You should celebrate!
I really liked your post on ARCs vs older reviews. I have to say it’s rare for me to get comments on reviews either way so I can’t say.
Love the new keyboard protector 😉 I love all shades of blue and purple, it’s beautiful and quirky!
Have a great day and I hope you have a great time with your nephew 😀
Amy x
I often come up with my discussion themes when I’m doing something that has nothing to do with my blog, too, Amy 🙂 You’re welcome -I enjoyed your post, and so I thought other bloggers might as well.
I’m very pleased about passing my exams, I feel like I’ve been studying forever, but I still have a little way to go. Every little step in the right direction is a good one.
You’ll get more comments on your reviews as you continue to be more active in the blogging community yourself, I’m sure!
Yeah I think I should go in the garden more often he he. I love my flowers.
Do you have the Summer off now? You can take a much needed rest from all that studying 🙂
Amy x
Congrats on your exam results. And I hope you have a good time with your nephew too.
Thanks Liza 🙂 We are all having a lot of fun, it’s so nice to see my kids with their cousin 🙂
Yay for the credits, I hope you celebrated !!! And bon courage for the thesis and the papers, I hope you’ll have some time to relax this summer ? My daughters sometimes meet with their cousins from Ireland and except for some minor language issues, they really love seeing each other. I just adore your keyboard protection and its rainbow colors ! Have a great sunday and a fabulous week, Lexxie *hugs*
I’ll definitely have time for fun and relaxing this summer, too, but now, I’m finally getting closer to completing my MA, and I just want to finish it 😀
I love those rainbow colors, too, when I found it, I just couldn’t resist 😉
I was intrigued Lexxie about what you were saying about needing an MA to be a teacher? Here in Australia teachers are qualified after 3 year degree courses (for primary school) and 4 year courses (for secondary school). Needing a Masters sounds very tough.
To be a teacher in a secondary school or in high school, I have to have an MA in the subject I’m teaching, plus a second MASE in pedagogy… It’s a very long journey! For primary school there’s a BA degree that has to be taken, but then, the teachers teach all subjects, and only from grade 1-8. I rather want to teach grades 9-15, so I do need the MA in English.
I love your keyboard cover. It looks so squishy!
Congratulations on your degree work and exam results. I have great respect for teaching.
I just hope I’ll be able to have a long-term substitute job next school-year, too. And it would really be nice to be able to start planning some things over summer 🙂
Twitter: limabean74
You are amazing! I think it is great that you are going to school and working so hard! Congrats on the exam and good luck on writing the 60-75page page. Good Grief! That’s a lot.
The keyboard is cute! Those silicone things are always so soft.
Have a great week, Lexxie! Happy Reading! oxox
Thank you Michelle! I’m stressing out a little about having to write such a long paper. Hopefully, my MA supervisor will be helpful, and critical 😀
Awesome that you were able to accomplish some of the goals. Sounds like the road is a little shorter than it has been, because you’re almost there and kudos!! Very cool to spend time with family and to hopefully relax a little. Isn’t it amazing to think back to how small or young kids are, and before we know it, they’re taller than us. Where does the time go? Hope your day is as wonderful as you are. hugs…
That’s right Ro, I am a little closer to my final goal, and that’s definitely a good feeling. And yes, those kids sure do grow fast, I’m soon going to be the shortest person in our family 🙂
That’s good to hear you had a slower week and congrats to your students for all passing english! And good luck with your own studying, it sounds like a long road indeed, but it will be nice when you are finally a teacher after that. I can understand being sick of studying after all those years, I felt the same in my last year at uni, it just get’s a bit tiring after a while.
That keyboard protection is so pretty! I’ve seen them online a few times, but wasn’t sure how they worked and if they are handy. At least they looks great. I might have to look into it once as some of the letters on my keyboards are slowly disapearing.
I hope you have a great week Lexxie!
It was very nice to have a slower week, only one more week and all my own kids will be in vacation mode as well.
I love studying, but as you said, now I’m ready for it to be over. It feels like I’ve been going to Uni forever.
The keyboard protection is really nice! I can take it off and wash it, so I won’t have any crumbs anywhere they shouldn’t be, and the colors are so nice, too.
Have a great week yourself Lola.
I just had to say that your new keyboard cover is gorgeous! I love those colors!
Me, too Stacey! It’s so nice to see the rainbow when I open up the laptop now 🙂
Yay! Well done on your exams!
I do love that keyboard, would love a macbook to go with it too, my laptop is very clunky!
Have a great week!
Thanks Heather! I’m happy I’m slowly edging towards finishing my MA 🙂
Ha! Yeah, the machine to go with the keyboard is very nice 😉 Have a great week yourself.
Thats such a cute keyboard:D I wish I had one! Looks like you had a good week with reviews, have a great Sunday:)
The keyboard protection wasn’t expensive, which helped my inability to resist 😉 Thanks for stopping by Lanie.
Congratulations on the end of the school year and passing your exams. Good luck with writing your papers. Have a great week.
Terri M., the Director
Second Run Reviews
Thank you Terri 🙂 I’m glad I’ll have a break now 🙂
Twitter: bmreviewsohmy
Sounds like you had a nice week, it’s always nice when it’s slower. 🙂 Hope you have a great week!
Yes, I think I really needed a slower week! Thanks for stopping by Stormi 🙂
Oh, I like your keyboard cover!
Congrats on your exams! You need 2 MA’s in order to teach? Wow. Is that true for all teachers or just your specialty?
I’m amazed you have time to blog, when do you sleep? 😀 Have fun with your nephew. 🙂
All teachers in secondary schools or high schools need a master in the subject they teach, plus a master in pedagogy…
I sleep during the night… mostly – when I don’t read 😉
That reminds me that I need a new silicone keyboard cover. Love those things. Hope you have a great week! Check out my Sunday Post in the link below.
It’s the first time I got a silicone keyboard cover, and I’m really loving it! It’s so nice and smooth 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Lisa.
Congrats on your exams and your goals! It will all happen for you…it just takes a while. It took me four years to finish my M.A., as I was working by day, going to grad school at night…and raising four kids. LOL.
Enjoy your week!
I’m really happy I’m not working full time, Laurel-Rain, because, like you, I also have four kids, and they are very active 🙂
That’s awesome all your students passed. That has to make you feel good. And yay for your own exams! Sheesh, so much work, but you can do it!
And ooh love the keyboard. Pretty colors. 🙂
Yeah, I’m really happy about that, Lauren 🙂 And yes, it is a lot of work, but I’m sure it will all be worth it in the end, and most of my classes are very interesting.
That keyboard is badass!!! Though I hate macs. lol
I’m sure the keyboard would fit for a laptop PC as well, Jennifer 😉
Congrats on passing your exams as well as your students! Enjoy your nephew’s visit.
Thank you Nise’! I’m very read for summer 🙂
I love your new keyboard cover. So pretty. I might have to get one now. LOL
Congrats on your tests. Sounds like you are going to get ahead of the game now too.
I saw it and I fell in love, Laura 😉
It’s funny how your relatives can grow so much…. I am pretty tall and my younger cousins are the same height or taller!
Love the keyboard… the colours are so cool.
Have another great week Lexie!
Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace
Im not very tall, but soon even my younger kids will be taller than me. I think that’s all good 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Naomi.
Congratulations on passing your exams! It sounds like you enjoyed last week. Your children must be excited to see their cousin. Hope you enjoy him, and have a great week!
I love your pretty rainbow colored keyboard! I want one 🙂 I’m glad that you got to slow down last week! You have so much going on with school, teaching, and your blog. It’s good to get some rest 🙂 A visit from family is always fun! Happy Reading Lexx 🙂