Review: Wicked Burn – Rebecca Zanetti

Posted 14 August, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments

*I received a free copy of Wicked Bite from via Netgalley. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Wicked Burn – Rebecca ZanettiWicked Bite Series: Realm Enforcers #3
on 7 June 2016
Pages: 366
4.5 Stars

Simone Brightston knows she can beat the rap her enemies are pinning on her. An Irish witch is nobody's fool, and she didn't get to her position on the Coven Nine high council without serious power. But her cousins want her to hide out—and they somehow convinced her arch nemesis to play getaway driver.

Of all the men she's known, Nikolaj Veis is the hardest to intimidate. With his demon-dark eyes and his inscrutable beauty, he's as desirable as he is dangerous. And he knows better than to underestimate Simone. So when he pulls up on a roaring bike and tells her to climb on or fight it out, she grabs a handful of jacket and holds on tight.

Running from the law may not be the smartest plan. But when it comes to Nick, hot pursuit and a blazing fast ride are exactly what Simone's looking for . . .

Wicked Burn left me with a ‘holy fast-paced action Batman!’ feeling… my head is practically spinning right now.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews


Simone was framed for treason, as a member of the ruling body of witches, she was powerful, maybe too much so for her own good. However, she was so smart she was able to deal with a lot of things while still preparing for her trial. Nick wanted to save her from the guard, and was taken with her back to Dublin and thus was able to spend more time with her. Alone. Tori and Bear were snatched by the guard as well, and because of this, Tori learned that there were other species than humans in the world – which put her in lethal danger.

Simone learned more about her family history, and a new species of shifters was introduced. I loved how this new aspect might change the course in future books. The overall plot of finding out who is behind the Apollo drug, and how several members of Coven 9 have been targeted made for suspense as well. The romance between Nick and Simone was hot, so Wicked Burn was definitely the right title for this book!


Simone has been present in other Realm Enforcers books, and in Wicked Burn, I really got to know her better. And man! was she worth to get to know. Nick is a demon, and a hundred years ago, he was all set to mate Simone, however, fate decided differently. He was needed to make sure the war wouldn’t kill all vampires, witches and shifters, and put duty over love. In Wicked Burn, he finally had a chance to make things right.

Writing style :

Third person narrator, more or less omniscient, past tense, with plenty of dialogues to make the pace flow, and to let the readers get to know all the characters.

Feels :

Fear for the characters is one of the feels for sure! And there was also a lot of hotness and sweetness mixed in with the danger.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Nick Veis handled a Ducati like he did everything else in life… using control edged with a hint of violence. The contrast between the elegant demon official that he showed the world and the primal being lurking inside him showed just how far he’d come since this latest war had ended.

Simone wiped blood off of Nick’s forehead, wincing at the gash across his left temple. Her entire body ached as if put through a meat grinder, and she could only imagine the damage he’d sustained in shielding her.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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5 responses to “Review: Wicked Burn – Rebecca Zanetti

  1. Ailyn Koay

    what?? like how does Nick do it? Nick:” hey Simone you are so kick ass… by the way we are destined!” …
    nah too cheesy. but you are not helping my TBR list…

  2. I think this is the only paranormal series by this author that I haven’t tried. I blame it entirely on the fact that I don’t know this narrator. If Karen White (who does several other series for this author), I would’ve already started it. I need to try this guy and see if I like him or if I have to read this series. I’m reading Scorpius Syndrome because it is just now starting on audio, and I’m three books in. Again, I don’t know this narrator either. *sigh* Glad you like this one. I need to start it soon.

  3. So I haven’t heard of this author or series, but you have me sold Lexxie! Like, the chemistry and world just sounds really fun and I’m always up for an Urban Fantasy with good romance. Thanks for the awesome review!

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