#COYER Review: Sweet Revenge (Sin Brothers #2) – Rebecca Zanetti

Posted 19 March, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 17 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
#COYER Review: Sweet Revenge (Sin Brothers #2) – Rebecca ZanettiSweet Revenge by Rebecca Zanetti
Series: Sin Brothers #2
Published by Forever, Grand Central Publishing on 3 December 2013
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Pages: 384
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley

4 Stars

The One Man She Can't Have

Matt Dean was born to fight…and kill. A member of a secret black-ops military unit, he and his brothers were genetically engineered by the government to be the perfect soldiers with an expiration date. Now, with time running out, he's gone rogue in a relentless quest for the one person who can save them. His mission leads him to Charmed, Idaho…and to a beautiful woman with eyes like emeralds and a body made for pleasure.

The One Woman He Can't Resist

Laney Jacobs knows the mysterious, handsome stranger is trouble from the moment he walks into her bar, looking for a job. She's spent years running from her own past—the last thing she needs is a romantic entanglement. But Matt's strong arms offer her protection, and his gentle touch promises passion unlike anything she's ever known. As lethal forces surround them, revealing explosive secrets about Matt's past and putting everything—and everyone—he holds dear in danger, can he save them all before time runs out?

*I received a free ARC of Sweet Revenge from Forever – Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

Sweet Revenge is an amazing romance / thriller / suspense novel. There is a little bit of everything, there is romance, of course, a serial killer, a man who thought he’d never find love nor freedom, and a woman who is trying to make amends for her past. The only reason why I didn’t give Sweet Revenge five stars is that I guessed who a culprit was very early on – however, this did not make the story less interesting.

Matt has been searching for the surgeon for five years, he knows he needs to find her quickly now, or else he and his brothers will all die because of an implant inserted in their vertebrae. Between his tough guy manners and the fact that he has been made to kill, growing up without any kind of positive input from adults, and the fact that he really wants more in his life than being on the run he is a very interesting character. Laney has some secrets of her own, but she is so sweet and soft Matt can’t help but fall for her.

The mystery of the serial killer in Sweet Revenge is just one of many layers, because there is a lot going on both with Matt, Laney and Matt’s brothers. The omnipresence of the commander’s shadow taints everything Matt does, as he wants to save his brothers at all cost. As soon as Matt meets Laney, however, he is distracted by her, he wants to protect her and keep her safe, and he has some pretty primitive thoughts about her. When they both let their defenses  down a little bit, they almost ignite they’re so hot together!

The writing is really good, the character development is very well done, and the doubts Matt has about a lot of things makes him seem very normal, even if he is big, strong and ready to kill anyone who threatens those he loves.The readers get glimpses of the story both from Laney’s and Matt’s point of view, even if it’s written in third person past tense, and having the omniscient but not always dependable narrator show me around was a pleasure.

I love story-telling like in Sweet Revenge, because having suspense and mystery with my hot romance makes me even more invested both in the characters and the outcome of the plot. I have added several of Ms. Zanetti’s other books to my Mt. TBR, and I can’t wait to disappear into another of her worlds very soon. Fight scenes, friendship, romance excitement and suspense – it was all well done!

Oh. Her mouth may have dropped open. Sure, she’d touched him. But she hadn’t had a moment to study him… and the guy should be admired.

Even with all the bruises and scrapes, nothing hurt as badly as her chest. Terror lived there.

Fuck the gods. Matt had his brother and his woman in front of him, and if he had to beat the gods to get them to safety, he’d damn well succeed.

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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17 responses to “#COYER Review: Sweet Revenge (Sin Brothers #2) – Rebecca Zanetti

    • I’m actually feeling a little proud of myself *grins* and it didn’t really take much away from the overall story and plot.
      Thanks for stopping by, Pamela.

    • Yeah, I enjoyed it enough to want to read the first and the third book in this series 🙂

      Thakns for stopping by, Silvia.

    • You’re going to love this, Braine! It’s both hot and thrilling!

      Thanks for stopping by, and for the b-day wishes 😉

    • I have read a few romantic suspense novels lately that I found really good, Naomi, and I keep looking for more.

      Thanks for stopping by.

    • I think you’d enjoy this one, Berls, it’s well done, and I think that I was so much into looking for clues that’s why I was able to figure one of the culprits out quite early. It didn’t take away my enjoyment, though 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by!

  1. Sweet Revenge sounds really exciting, Lexxie, even if you did figure out the mystery early on. I have the first in this series on my kindle…naturally. (did you review the first one, as well? that might be why I own it 😉 I’ve read a few of Ms. Zanetti’s paranormal series and LOVED them. And I really need to start on more romantic suspense because I’ve found that I really enjoy them.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful review, my dear! Hope your Thursday has been great! *hugs*

    • Actually, there is more than one mystery… I figured out one pretty early on, but the other one I didn’t.

      I haven’t read the first in this series yet, but I have added it to my TBR, of course 🙂 I need to check out which of her paranormal series you’ve read, too, because I really enjoyed her writing!

      Thanks for stopping by, my dear *BIG HUGS*

  2. Wow, this sounds really good! I’m glad you liked the story despite the fact that you were able to guess who the serial killer was early on. Suspense, Mystery, and hot romance sounds like a winning combo to me! Awesome Review Lexx!

    • It really is a winning combo, and lately, this kind of story is really appealing to me.

      Thanks for stopping by, Lindy 🙂

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