Review: Stolen – Shiloh Walker

Posted 14 October, 2012 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review: Stolen – Shiloh WalkerStolen by Shiloh Walker
Published by Ballantine Books on 30 October 2012
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense, Thriller
Pages: 400
Source: Edelweiss
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Summary from Goodreads:
Shay Morgan has stayed hidden for a long time. Living a reclusive life in Earth’s End, Alaska, she’s as far away as she can get from the trauma of her childhood and the man who hurt her long ago. But terror takes over Shay’s life yet again when an unknown stalker steals away the fragile peace she’s built for herself—targeting not only her but the one man who’s ever managed to get past the walls she’s built around herself.Elliot Winter has lived through being falsely accused before—it ruined his military career. Now it’s happening all over again. And this time, his accuser is a twisted impostor who’s targeting his ex-girlfriend, Shay. Despite a fierce mutual attraction, Shay and Elliot broke up because Shay couldn’t let her guard down, couldn’t let Elliot in. But now they both need to trust each other to confront a psycho who seems to know all their secrets.

*I received a free ARC of Stolen Random House via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review*

Stolen really, really freaked me out! It had me from the first sentence, and I gripped my kindle for most of the time I was reading. What I liked the most is that in all the creepiness, there was still both romance and humor present most of the time. Yes, it’s actually possible, and it was masterfully done in this novel. Very exciting, quite thrilling and more than a little creepy.

I think in the time of internet, and easy travel, we are all a little afraid of being impersonated, or having our online (or real life) identity stolen from us. Shay had a horrible childhood, and as soon as she could she ran away from it all, changed her name, and used a pseudonym for her writing carreer. Was it enough to keep her safe?

Shay is completely broken by her hidden past, she has never told a soul what she went through, not even Elliot, which is why he ultimately broke up with her. Then, some things happen that makes her reconsider, namely, her author name, Shane Neil, has been used by someone else. Someone who has even showed up at Elliot’s bookstore to sign books, give away ARC’s and bookmarks. Shay wants to understand what’s going on. At the same time, it would be strange if she finally opened up to Elliot now, especially because she’d also have to tell him that his favorite writer is indeed Shay, hiding behind a pseudonym.

From the very beginning, the story is gripping, creepy and made me jump at the smallest sound in the house. This is the kind of thriller I love – most of the fear stems from the psychological impact, but there is some gory details coming up as well. Shay needs to find out what is gonig on, who is pretending to be her, and why her agent won’t take her calls.

Things get very dangerous when she realizes that her college-friend, Darcy, is acting more and more strangely, and Shay starts to suspect that Darcy might be the one who is behind this whole situation of madness, and she has no idea what to do about it. There is also the fact that her step-father who tortured her, and who kidnapped her after murdering her adoptive mother is out of prison, and he is truly one of the dragons from her past who makes her fear stronger than anything else.

The tone is quite dark, and at the same time, both Shay and Elliot dare to hope their love could bring them back together, and through this surreal situation as well. As the plot leads them in different directions, and as the reader is still trying to figure out what will happen next, the twists and turns being many, the story unfolds seemingly without effort.

I closed my eyes to sleep, and I wake up in the closet. I’m covered in blood and something isn’t right.

If you allowed an evil to continue and you did nothing to stop it, and there was something you could have done, you were just as bad as the evil-doers.

Shay glanced at him, that scowl still twisting her lips. “Don’t be so logical. I’m still trying to sulk here”

This book is definitely worth the time, and I can’t wait to read other titles by Shiloh Walker, this is one discovery I just can’t keep to myself. If you have read other books by the author, would you mind telling me your favorite? I need to know where to start!

PS: I posted a little blurb review on Goodreads the day I finished

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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0 responses to “Review: Stolen – Shiloh Walker

  1. Kim

    She’s written a shit-ton of books and I’ve read most if them, but I remember “Chains”, “Through the Veil” and “Piercing the Veil” the most. I keep looking for the third in the Veil series. The Ash Trilogy was good, too. Then there’s the older erotica…. 😉

  2. Oh now I think I was wrong to not ask for it it sounds awesome. It sounds like a really great book and I’m definitely intrigued. thanks!

    • Kim

      Hi Lexxie. Yes, it’s good. Some of the first in the Hunter’s series (paranormal) weren’t so much to my taste – not big on ménage, but that’s just me. And it didn’t stop me from reading every one of them. :). She started a new series under J. C. Daniels (I think is the correct name). The first book is “Blade Song” and it was okay (think it will get better as the series grows.). But, I just read for pleasure – to escape. I can tell you that I like or dislike a book, but not always why. 🙂


      • Well, you already gave me some good advice though; I’m not big on ménage either… Thanks a lot for taking the time to come back and let me know which books you liked Kim 🙂

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