Review ~ Still ~ Kennedy Ryan

Posted 6 June, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 11 Comments

Review ~ Still ~ Kennedy RyanStill by Kennedy Ryan
Series: Grip #2
Published by Selfpublished on September 24, 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 394
Format: Paperback
Source: BookBonanza 19, Purchase
5 Stars

**STILL is the conclusion of Grip & Bristol's emotional journey. You must read FLOW, the prequel, and GRIP, book 1 before beginning STILL**

I'll be there.
Through thick and thin.
Ride or die.
You can count on me.

The promises people make.
The vows we take.
Assumptions of the heart.
Emotion tells us how we feel, but has a way of plunging us in boiling water, burning away our illusions, testing our faith, trying our convictions.
Love floating is a butterfly, but love tested is an anchor.

For Grip and Bristol,
Love started at the top of the world
On a Ferris wheel under the stars
But when that love is tested, will they fly or fall?

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Still picks up where Grip left off and I couldn’t imagine what else life could throw at Bristol and Grip. After all they’d been though and endured it felt like they should have had some time to coast. And while in some ways they were able to capitalize on their successes and enjoy some relative calm, fate had a little more to toss in their path.

Grip is enjoying huge success in his musical career but after enduring a childhood in Compton as well as others trying to squash his achievements, he’s determined to make a difference socially. He’s taking classes towards his degree and has the opportunity to take a class taught by someone he truly admires – a social justice warrior. Al this while he and Bristol figure out what comes next for them.

Bristol is shining equally as bright only she’s behind the scenes. Managing musical talent is something she excels at and her career is the one place she’s confident. Although she and Grip are solid, she can’t help but feel the comments made my Grip’s family and friends as well as the media concerning their relationship and its chances of success.

KRyan beautifully relayed the challenges Grip and Bristol faced being an inter-racial couple. There are things that neither could understand about the worlds they grew up in. However, they have always known, even if they denied it for a while, that they were the real thing. And I appreciated how they each fought for it – for each other.

Grip and Bristol not only are forced to handle the naysayers and the court of public opinion. Another decision comes their way that is a struggle I couldn’t begin to fathom. It broke my heart watching as they worked through it but work through it they did. Together.

Still is gorgeously written and KRyan deftly conveyed all the nuances of Grip and Bristol’s life. The struggles they faced as a couple meshed with the social justice element felt genuine and relevant. It highlighted that no matter how far we’ve come as a country, we still have a long way to go. The story was poignant and emotionally gut-wrenching while also hopeful. I couldn’t put it down.


Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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11 responses to “Review ~ Still ~ Kennedy Ryan

  1. What a great review you have of this one. I have really heard that this is the best series that this author has written. I am so happy that it worked so well for you. Its great that this is such a relatable read.

  2. Stephanie - Bookfever

    I’ve been wanting to read this author for ages but never know where to start. Any suggestions?

    • I started with this series, Stephanie. It begins with Flow which is a novella. Then Grip and Still. Her Hoops series is good too, I’ve heard. I don’t think you can go wrong though. She’s an amazing writer and person! (I met her at Book Bonanza 2019)

  3. This book practically broke me but it remains an all-time favorite. I wasn’t sure what to expect after Grip but the journey they go on throughout Still was heart wrenching.

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