Review: Sexy – J. A. Huss

Posted 9 September, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments

*I received a free copy of Sexy from Selfpublished via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Sexy – J. A. HussSexy by J. A. Huss
Published by Selfpublished on 9 September 2015
Format: eARC
Source: Author

3 Stars

Imagine the man of your dreams.

The blue eyes. The unruly blonde hair. The perfect abs. How strong his muscular thighs feel as you dig your fingernails into the denim of his jeans.
Now imagine looking up to meet his gaze as he guides you towards his belt. Offers you a new life, a new destiny, a whole new world as he teaches you how to make him moan. Coaches you in the art of being sexy.

Would you say no? Could you say no?

Fletcher Novak is that perfect man and he just made Tiffy Preston the offer of a lifetime. And all she has to do is... everything he tells her.

Sexy is definitely a hot read, with characters who aren’t at all what they seem, and who are doing what they can to keep their secrets just that.

My Sexy review:

It’s not exactly a surprise for those of you who visit my blog regularly that I’m a huge Huss fan, every time she releases a new book, I’m waiting, impatient, hopping with excitement for what twists and turns she has prepared for her readers next. While Sexy has a very hot and pretty alpha-male main character in Fletcher, he is nothing like the other characters she’s written before. There is no feel of imminent danger surrounding him, rather he seems to have a lot of secrets, and to be cold and a little off-standish – especially in the beginning. And Tiffy, she came off as a bit of a snob at the start, although I warmed up to her faster.

The story is quite slow-moving, and most of the action takes place at the hotel Tiffy is managing, Landslide, in the Lake Tahoe area. Fletcher is the big draw for the all male stripper show, and Tiffy has arrived to fire him because he doesn’t always show up for rehearsals, and almost never for management meetings. I’m not sure if it was the slow pace, or the fact that both Tiffy and Fletcher played their cards so close to the chest, but it took me a long time to warm up to them and feel a connection to their story. While there were several funny dialogues between them, and a lot of hotness from the get-go, I felt a little distanced from them, so my emotions weren’t fully invested until a little after half-way through the book.

Once I felt fully there, though, Sexy touched my heart and my emotions became very strong when it came to both Tiffy and Fletcher. Their secrets weren’t necessarily dark or dangerous, but they sure managed to add a mystery to their characters and it was great to try to figure them out, to see why they acted the way they did in situations that could have been very straight-forward. The cast of secondary characters is amazing, between Tiffy’s best friend, Claudio, Katie who is one of Fletcher’s clients, Samantha, Cole and others. The way the hotel and the show is shown not told is well done as well, and the overall atmosphere of the story is quite fun, but tinged with a little note of melancholy. And while the theme might seem to be that of a relationship between a stripper and his boss, it’s much more about accepting ourselves exactly the way we are, to show ourselves and the world that we are beautiful on the inside, where true beauty resides.

Written in dual points of view, with chapters from both Tiffy and Fletcher’s perspectives, I got a good way to see why they acted the way they did towards each other, however, during most of Sexy, even I didn’t know their secrets which is a good thing in some ways, but it could have helped me to fall deeper in love with them and their story if I had had a little more knowledge about them from the start. That being said, the writing is great as always, and I’m sure most Hussies and other readers will enjoy Sexy even more than I did!

Sexy book journal - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I even took some notes while I was reading, and as you can see, it’s a 3.5 star read for me – even if I don’t really do half-stars here.

Some of my favorite Sexy quotes:

This is my job. I take these women at their lowest and build them back up. She met me a few months ago through a mutual friend. I’m here to take that sting of defeat away and turn it into whatever it is she thinks she wants.

She wants me. Maybe that man she’s gonna marry is perfect. He could be a millionaire with a huge house. His job might be something so far above me, I’d look like an insignificant ant under his shoe. He might have a Harvard education and enough investments to put ten kids through college.

There’s a blonde in the back, standing on a table, weaving her hips like she’s way too familiar with this job I’m doing. Stripper, I’m not into strippers. That makes me grin with he irony. 

“Sexy doesn’t sell, Tiffy, it’s for sale.”

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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6 responses to “Review: Sexy – J. A. Huss

  1. Hmm, funny that we essentially felt the same way about this book. My rating is a bit higher but I waffled on it, I have to admit. I did wish we’d spent more time with Tiffy and Fletcher together to see their feelings really develop – so my connection to them was stronger from the beginning. But like you said, those secrets had to be “played close to the chest”. Anyway, great review as always, my dear!
    Happy Wednesday!! I can’t believe the week is at the halfway point already. I hope your day is going wonderfully! **BIG HUGS**

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: Release Day Review ~ Sexy ~ JA Huss
  2. The secrets doesn’t feel necessary, to me it’s like a ploy or device to make the eventual relationship antagonistic? Like drumming up drama when it’s not really needed? Then again, this is just my impression based on you review.

    It’s good though that you still found things about the novel that you enjoyed. I don’t think this is for me though, if I were to read her, I’ll pick her previous novels.

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