Review: Make it a Double – Sawyer Bennett

Posted 3 April, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Make it a Double – Sawyer BennettMake it a Double by Sawyer Bennett
Series: Last Call #2
Published by Big Dog Books on 21 April 2014
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 396
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Freebie
5 Stars

Brody Markham has endured a nightmare, spending the last five years in prison and losing everything that was dear to him. Now he’s back home, trying to survive in a world he doesn’t recognize anymore. While his family and friends desperately try to reach through to him, he shelters himself further and further away from their love.

Alyssa Myers has worked her entire life to distance herself from the luxurious and privileged lifestyle in which she was raised. Running her non-profit agency, The Haven, she is content to spend her days helping abused animals find sanctuary, which fulfills her in a way that money just can’t buy.

Maybe it’s that she recognizes in Brody some of the same characteristics she sees in her homeless wards, but Alyssa is powerless to stop her personal quest to make Brody whole again.

While Brody struggles to surface from the darkness, Alyssa tries to protect her heart in case he’s not willing to accept the light that she offers him.

Make it a Double is at least as hot and amazing as the first story in this series! I could not put it down at all! Hot alpha hero and an amazingly sweet and tender heroine for the win!

My Make it a Double review:

Just as I thought Hunter’s name was perfect in On the Rocks, Brody’s name did the same thing in Make it a Double. Brooding, distant and silent, Brody was keeping life at arm’s length in order to not be entangled in anything at all that could make him feel. After spending five years in prison for vehicular man slaughter. Once he’s back home, difficulties to adjust is only the start, he has trouble with a lot of things, working, being friendly, hugging, making a commitment – even to his brother’s bar – and most of all, he thinks he’ll never be able to commit to a woman ever again. Alyssa seems to be everything Brody is not – happy, friendly, open, and most of all she spends all her time and money on her own no-kill shelter where she keeps both cats and dogs, and where the first horse is about to arrive.

Make it a Double is definitely darker than the first book in the series, and it also touched me very deeply! I truly enjoyed both Brody and Alyssa, the way they were so determined to make it on their own, only to realize that sometimes it’s impossible to move forwards without a little help. Of course, the fact that I already knew most of the secondary characters, and enjoyed them immensely as well, only made this story all the better. Also, the character development, both for Alyssa and for Brody is quite spectacular – they both felt the need for a change, and were able to help each other take that last step in order to both become more mature, and to learn to trust completely once more.

I loved how Brody’s past wasn’t as clear-cut as it had seemed in the beginning, and how Alyssa was able to offer her support and also show him that she would not tell anybody about him without him wanting that. The overall story was really well done, and the smexiness between the two main characters was completely off the charts!

The writing in Make it a Double was really good, the first person present tense worked very well for me. Written in dual points of views from both Alyssa and Brody’s perspectives I really got to know them well, and while there were some typos and minor editing issues, nothing at all could take me out of the story. If you’re a fan of contemporary romance stories, the Last Call series should definitely make it to your TBR shelf, and hopefully, you’ll love these characters and their stories just as much as I did.

Some of my favorite Make it a Double quotes:

I start to argue, but then I’m stunned as I watch Brody place the first shovel of dirt. And by place, I mean place. He doesn’t throw the dirt onto Jethro’s body, but rather gently tilts the spade and sprinkles the soil lightly on him. It’s a move os caring, so soft… my breath hitches in my chest. 

Then a new vision comes to me… short, pixie hair, warm brown eyes, and soft fingertips rubbing over my palms. I start to feel a sense of peace overtaking me as I think of Alyssa, and I wish it didn’t bother me so much that I’m using the thought of one woman to banish another. 

I firmly believe I can’t have her, but it doesn’t mean that I like anyone else making a play for her.


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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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10 responses to “Review: Make it a Double – Sawyer Bennett

  1. Berls

    You’re making me really regret not having read Sawyer Bennett yet. I’ve owned several of her books since summer 2013! Sounds fantastic! I love that quote about not being okay with others making a go for her. Hehe then go for it you dummy! 😉

  2. I’m salivating… But I do need to read those Netgalley books first, urgh ! OK, I’m placing it on my “next” shelf, that should do the trick to get to read it faster 😉

    Red Iza recently posted: Hottie of the week
    • Dark definitely isn’t bad, Brandee, but it still should be mentioned I thought. Brody is a very good broody hero, and I loved how they danced around each other – not wanting anything to happen, but still needing it so bad 😉 *BIG HUGS*

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