Review ~ I Dare You ~ Ilsa Madden-Mills

Posted 15 July, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review ~ I Dare You ~ Ilsa Madden-MillsI Dare You by Ilsa Madden-Mills
Series: The Hook Up #1
Published by Selfpublished on April 28, 2018
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Pages: 235
Format: Paperback
Source: Library
4.5 Stars

Badass Athlete: I dare you to…
Delaney Shaw: Who is this?

The late night text is random, but "Badass Athlete" sure seems to know who she is…

Delaney Shaw.
Good girl.
Lover of fluffy kitties and Star Wars.

His dare? Spend one night in his bed—a night he promises will be unforgettable—and she can solve the mystery of who he is.

She knows she shouldn't, but what else is she going to do with her boring Valentine's Day?

One sexy hook-up later, her mind is blown and the secret's out.

Maverick Monroe.
Bad boy.
The most talented football player in the country.
Just ask him.

Too bad for him Delaney's sworn off dating athletes forever after her last heartbreak.

But Maverick wants more than one night and refuses to give up on winning Delaney’s heart. She isn’t one to be fazed by a set of broad shoulders.

Will the bad boy land the nerd girl or will the secrets they keep from each other separate them forever?

Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews New Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I Dare You… No, really.  I dare you to read this book and not laugh, cry, growl, and swoon! Yep, Maverick and Delaney were that awesome! There was snarky, flirty banter, serious chemistry, a fabulous secondary cast, and food! Yeah, I had a lot of fun with my first read from Isla Madden-Mills.


  • Delaney
    I loved everything about her! Her style, her nerdiness, her love of Han Solo, and her culinary skills all made for a heroine to cheer for! Oh, and that seh was reserved unless *dared* to do something was even more endearing.
  • Maverick
    Oh my! This hulk of a guy definitely had an ego to match his body size. But finding out there was so much more to this football player was heartwarming. He’s really a good guy – loyal to his family and friends, smart, a tad nerdy as well. He had me laughing and swooning.
  • Plot
    No, it wasn’t all about a dare. 😉 There are family issues Maverick’s dealing with and while i admired his determination to take care of his sister, it broke my heart that he’d have to resort to what he resorted to. Also, I understood way he dealt with Delaney and his issues the way he did, but that also broke my heart. Good thing he and Delaney had something special.
  • Secondary Cast
    Isla Madden-Mills surrounded Delaney and Maverick with great friends and a villain(ess) I loved hating. I’m eager for more from this cast…specifically Ryker! 😉
  • Romance
    As I mentioned, these two had great banter and sizzling chemistry. I appreciated how IMM had them get to know one another because it really helped the romance feel genuine since they were friends first.


It’s been a little while since I read a college/football romance but I’m glad I picked up I Dare You from my library. It was fun getting to know these characters as well as having football incorporated seeing as how the college is in Mississippi. I was impressed with IMM and I look forward to reading more.

Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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4 responses to “Review ~ I Dare You ~ Ilsa Madden-Mills

  1. I am pretty sure I bought this book. I love sports romances, and you sort of had me wanting to get to this one sooner than later, when you mentioned some heartbreak going on. I’m a sap, and live for that stuff.

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