Review : A Gentleman ’til Midnight – Alison DeLaine

Posted 16 September, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 8 Comments

Review : A Gentleman ’til Midnight – Alison DeLaineA Gentleman 'til Midnight by Alison DeLaine
Published by Harlequin on 31 December 2013
Genres: Adult, Historical Romance
Pages: 432
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley
5 Stars

The complication they don't want…...

Lady Katherine Kinloch survived captivity once. Now the notorious captain of her own ship, she refuses to let anyone jeopardize her hard-won freedom. But on a voyage to England to fight for her family's endangered estate, Katherine is thrown off course when she unknowingly rescues celebrated naval captain James Warre…, a man who stands for everything she despises.

The passion they desperately need...…

Haunted by regret for his role in her dark past, James is determined to be more than the cold, calculating officer Katherine expects. Her seduction is his obsession, but his pride hangs in the balance if he gives in to temptation. And hiding beneath the scorching attraction between them lies a secret that could force the two apart for good.

*I received a free ARC of A Gentleman ’til Midnight from Harlequin via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

Fun and outrageous are just two of the words I have to describe A Gentleman ’til Midnight! Strong female lead is another.

My A Gentleman ’til Midnight review:

Starting with a ship closing in on a man floating on a small piece of driftwood, unconscious and seemingly still alive, A Gentleman ’til Midnight caught my full attention. Even more so when I realized the captain of the ship – which might be a pirate ship – was a woman! And at first, she didn’t want to risk hoisting a sick man aboard, even if her ship was the only one around, and they might be his only chance of survival.

Katherine is one of the most unconventional historical romance heroines I’ve had the pleasure to read about. And she truly made A Gentleman ’til Midnight a pleasure to read. She was kidnapped from an English ship years ago, and she blames a certain Captain Warre, because he was using his cannons against the ship she was on when captured. Afterwards, she was brought to some exotic land where she was a part of a harem… And when she finally managed to escape, she was pregnant.

The story and the plot involves sailing back to England, and realizing the man she first thought of as a Lieutenant Barclay is none other than Captain James Warre. Katherine wants to use this for her advantage now, since Warre’s brother is trying to wrestle her inheritance away from her, and thereby from her daughter. Once back in London, she has to get used to the ton again, and she is very upset about no longer being the captain of her ship.

A Gentleman ’til Midnight involves a lot of intrigue, lots of romance, and a very strong-minded and stubborn Lady Katherine. James is pretty stubborn, too, and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. If you enjoy historical romances and are looking for something a little different, you should definitely pick up A Gentleman ’til Midnight. Both Katherine and James will make it worthwhile. And I have high hopes for a story about some of the other ladies who appeared in this story.

 Some of my favorite A Gentleman ’til Midnight quotes:

William shuddered. “Hate those gatherings. Nothing to do a fellow in like a marriage-minded girl in command of a pianoforte.”

His beautiful, piratical emasculator would beg for him, and he would satisfy her. He would satisfy them both, and their “acquaintance by necessity” – as she so coldly put it – could go to the devil.





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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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8 responses to “Review : A Gentleman ’til Midnight – Alison DeLaine

    • This one is really good. And you know I love historical romances 🙂 I hope you’ll find a good one, Braine! Thanks for stopping by.

    • Lady Katherine is definitely awesome, Brandee, just the kind of heroine we both enjoy. I can’t even remember if there were any historicals on the rec list we chatted about. If not, this one should make it on that list stat 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by, my dear! *BIG HUGS*

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