Review: Can’t Resist a Cowboy – Elizabeth Otto

Posted 8 May, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 7 Comments

*I received a free copy of Can't Resist a Cowboy from Entangled Publishing via ARC Publisher. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Review: Can’t Resist a Cowboy – Elizabeth OttoCan't Resist a Cowboy by Elizabeth Otto
Series: Paint River Ranch #3
Published by Entangled Publishing on 12 May 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Format: eARC
Source: ARC Publisher

4 Stars

Injured and discharged, Marine Levi Haywood has returned to his family's ranch in order to heal and start a new life. After all, once a cowboy, always a cowboy. The only problem? Life at the ranch has moved on since he joined the service, and suddenly his role is much less clear. And things get a lot more confusing when his childhood sweetheart shows up.

Carrie Lynn Waite has never known a time when she didn't love Levi. They were childhood sweethearts, but because of her illness, she was forced to move to the city, away from the ranching life. Now Carrie's come home only to learn her family's ranch is in trouble and Levi is back, along with an undeniable attraction she can't resist. But some things never change. Now Carrie must decide between her future...and the cowboy she could never resist.

Can’t Resist a Cowboy is a sweet and hot story, with characters who are extremely stubborn. Also nice to see the characters from the prior Paint River Ranch books.

My Can’t Resist a Cowboy review:

I really enjoyed Carrie Lynn and Levi in Can’t Resist a Cowboy, especially because they had been dating before Levi left for the army, and they had a lot of unresolved feelings and issues to deal with. As it became clear that Levi hadn’t completely made the choice to leave Carrie Lynn, my heart ached for both of them. It was also interesting that Carrie Lynn had some health issues, and her father had used these in the past to make sure she would go to a bigger city, closer to a hospital and with a safer work environment. One of the things I thought was so well done was that she still had to fight her father to treat her like an adult, and not like a teen with health problems.

Both Levi and Carrie Lynn grew as characters, and that, too made Can’t Resist a Cowboy a great read, with both of them wanting more, but not sure if it would be worth the heartache once more if things didn’t work out the way they hoped. The family connections between the characters also participated in my enjoyment, and I loved seeing the characters from the prior Paint River Ranch stories. And of course, that cover is just yummy, too! How could anyone resist Levi?

While the romance in Can’t Resist a Cowboy was light and sweet, the other themes, especially those having to do with Carrie Lynn’s health were definitely quite heavy, and made the story multilayered and interesting. Relatable characters, hot and steamy love scenes, as well as the doubt and strong feelings just made me a happy reader. Written in third person point of view, showing both Carrie Lynn’s and Levi’s perspective, the writing drew me in from the beginning and kept me involved until the very end.

Some of my favorite Can’t Resist a Cowboy quotes:

The Haywoods were their neighbors. Growing up, their families had helped each other with ranch work, and spent a fair amount of free time together. Levi had been her friend before he’d been her first love – and the first to crush her soul into a gazillion pieces.

The heat in Levi’s eyes over the way the cowboy had spoken low and intimately to her had been surprising, yet filled her with a girlie sense of satisfaction. 

She was scared. He’d never downplay that. Hell, he was scared, too. Mostly about making the wrong choices when it came to her… moving too fast, moving too slow. Not weighing the options. Putting her in harm’s way. Letting her go without a fight.


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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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