Review: Bossed Sloane Howell

Posted 26 July, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 18 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Bossed  Sloane HowellBossed on 28 March 2017
Pages: 203
4.5 Stars

Jenny: Job interviews are a bitch under the best of circumstances, but when your potential boss is the world’s biggest prick, that’s when you should simply walk away. It’s just that I need this job so badly—and I’m mesmerized by Ethan Mason’s piercing gaze. Men like him aren’t supposed to exist in real life. But under the tailored suits and GQ looks, Ethan simmers with barely restrained ambition. And no matter how hard I work to fight the attraction, I’m going to get burned.
Ethan: You don’t become a top agent without learning how to close a deal. I always get what—or who—I want, by staying cool and in command. Then Jenny Jackson walks into my office with her lush curves and “screw you” attitude and blows away my intentions of keeping things professional. All I can think about is exploring the perfect body hidden beneath those conservative clothes or shutting her saucy mouth with one hot kiss. Jenny’s worth breaking the rules over—if I can convince her to break the rules for me.

Bossed was a fun story that still brought the feels. Baseball, snark and romance in plenty.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I’m not sure why I haven’t read Sloane Howell before… I guess I was a bit surprised about a male author writing romance, and that sounds incredibly sexist, right? Bossed was really well done, though. And even if I’m not usually a fan of office romances, it definitely hit the right spot! I think it’s partly because Jenny didn’t take what Ethan was dishing. And she was so snarky it was impossible to not fall in love with her. Ethan acted like the big bad wolf at times, but Jenny knew her baseball and called him on it. Every time.

Bossed is a quite fast-paced read, with a good balance of romance, plot and story. The side characters were well fleshed out, which made the story even better. And somewhat more meaningful and sad, too. The reason why Jenny took the job at Ethan’s firm was because she needed more money to care for her dad who was battling cancer. And the relationship between the two of them was amazing! Kelsey, Jenny’s best friend was a hoot, and I really hope she’ll get her own story one day.

Written in dual points of view, first person and past tense, there are chapters from both Jenny’s and Ethan’s perspective, and I enjoyed that Bossed managed to let me know them well enough to care for them, flaws and all. I will definitely pick up more Howell books in the future, and I expect to both laugh and cry – just as I did with Bossed.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I kept telling myself that hiring her was the right decision. Her performance was off the charts and she was incredibly intelligent. She was good for the agency, but she was hell for my dick. Every time I heard her voice I wanted to silence it with my mouth on hers. Get your shit together, Ethan.

I blushed. “Will you keep it down?”
She stared.
“Point taken. Look, he doesn’t need anyone to feed his ego. Giving in to him would shoot it into the clouds.”
She crossed her arms across her chest, and the words “Led Zeppelin” tightened across her boobs. Robert Plant would’ve been proud.

I glanced up at Matt as he cracked an invisible whip.
“Wah-peeshhhh.” His smile made it impossible to do anything but return it.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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18 responses to “Review: Bossed Sloane Howell

  1. SAY WHAT??!?! Sloane is a guy?!?!? And he wrote a great romance?? Um…. I don’t believe it. Personally, I hate the cover but jeez, you got me thinking I might give a male romance author a shot!!

  2. Snarky romance is always a good way to go!! And boy I like male romance authors (the ones I have read so far have been pretty good considering the genre), gotta try this one out.

  3. I don’t normally read much of this genre but now I’m wondering why. I love movies like this. Jenny is my kind of gal and it sounds like all kinds of fun. And I love snark! LOL Enjoyed your review, Lexxie:)

  4. So I’ll admit. I had this one on my TBR and even requested it on NG. But when I found out the author was male, I kinda let it slide down my TBR. I wasn’t sure I wanted to read a romance by a male author. BUT. All the great reviews have certainly changed my mind. It sounds like so much fun! I’m glad you enjoyed it, Lexxie! 🙂

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