Review: Be the Girl – K.A. Tucker

Posted 15 January, 2019 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 12 Comments

*I received a free copy of Be the Girl from Selfpublished via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Be the Girl – K.A. TuckerBe the Girl by K. A. Tucker
Published by Selfpublished on 21 January 2019
Genres: Contemporary, Realistic Fiction, Young Adult
Format: eARC
Source: Author
5 Stars

Almost sixteen-year-old Aria Jones is starting over. New postal code, new last name, new rules. But she doesn’t mind, because it means she can leave her painful regrets behind. In the bustling town of Eastmonte, she can become someone else. Someone better.
With the Hartford family living next door, it seems she will succeed. Sure, Cassie Hartford may be the epitome of social awkwardness thanks to her autism, but she also offers an innocent and sincere friendship that Aria learns to appreciate. And Cassie’s older brother, Emmett—a popular Junior A hockey player with a bright future—well … Aria wishes that friendship could lead to something more. If he didn’t already have a girlfriend, maybe it would.
But Aria soon finds herself in a dicey moral predicament that could derail her attempt at a fresh start. It is her loyalty to Cassie and her growing crush on Emmett that leads her to make a risky move, one that earns her a vindictive enemy who is determined to splinter her happy new world.

I knew Be the Girl would break my heart! Bullying is such an ugly word. And now – with all kinds of social media, those who are bullied must feel like it never stops.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Be the Girl is such an important story! And I have to say, Tucker managed to tell it with so much tenderness and tact, it was beautiful  – even when it was ugly! Aria moved across Canada with her mother to live with her great-uncle. And it was clear from the beginning of the story that there was trouble in her past. Big trouble. Coupled with a father who had a second family – and who left Aria and her mother behind without a backwards glance. Things had been so bad that she had even changed her last name before moving.

Be the Girl is about starting over. But it’s also about not being able to bury the past. And again, Tucker weaved such a fantastic story, with characters that grew exceptionally. Characters who wanted to be better. Characters who understood how precarious high school can be. All the characters were well developed, and I think that’s part of what made the story so incredibly strong.

Be the Girl is a necessary story, and both teens and all people who have contact with teens should read it!



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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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12 responses to “Review: Be the Girl – K.A. Tucker

  1. Sophia Rose

    I somehow missed the release on this one. I do love how she makes me feel so hard and believe in her characters. Bullying and social media bullying are definitely timely topics.
    Great review, Lexxie!

  2. Tucker is one of my favorites and I feel like I don’t even need to read a synopsis before I buy her books. I already know she’s going to deliver a great story. I’m excited for Be the Girl. It sounds like Aria hasn’t had an easy time of it.

  3. Excellent review. Bullying makes my heart hurt so much. Maybe it is why I have so much trouble with high school and teen books as it always seems to be there. Anne – Books of My Heart

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