New Release Review & Giveaway ~ Angel of Ashes & Dust ~ D.H. Nevins

Posted 17 October, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 4 Comments

*I received a free copy of Angel of Ashes & Dust from Black Wraith Books via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

New Release Review & Giveaway ~ Angel of Ashes & Dust ~ D.H. NevinsAngel of Ashes & Dust by D.H. Nevins
Series: Wormwood #3
Published by Black Wraith Books on October 18, 2022
Genres: Adult, Dystopian, Fantasy, Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Science Fiction
Pages: 392
Format: eARC
Source: Author
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4.5 Stars

The end of her people and the death of a planet is looming over her. Kali Michaels must choose between the illusion of safety and the danger of her own power in this anticipated and heart-stopping finale to The Wormwood Trilogy.

Kali has come to fear her abilities because she knows they can be used against her. In an effort to protect those she cares about, she is determined to let the power of her Shadow lie dormant, despite the dangers rising up around her.

Now, tormented by an unstoppable enemy, she and Tiamat Wormwood must try to shield and lead others while doing the impossible—survive in a dying land.

But how can she partner with Tiamat, when her proximity could kill him?

And how can Tiamat be trusted to save a planet, if he is the one who shattered it in the first place?

Little do they know that sometimes, for new beginnings, that which they love must first be destroyed.

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Angel of Ashes & Dust is the exciting ending to the Wormwood Trilogy. It’s a book I’ve been eagerly anticipating and it delivered the satisfying ending I was hoping for.

Picking up where Angel of Shadow left off, Kali finds herself the reluctant leader of the surviving humans. She’s struggling with a role she didn’t ask for, a group that seemingly gets angrier and more mistrusting every day, and a power she hesitates to use for fear of it being used against her. Despite Kali not wanting to lead, she’s willing to do all she can to help these humans rebuild. This determination means she must deal with the distrust and make the hard decisions needed to further their cause. Decisions that often create more distrust. She must also explore her power – bestowed by her demon father – and learn to wield on the side of good.

Tiamat is leading the remaining Nephilim. His group is tenaciously working to aid the humans in rebuilding the world. Tiamat is also set on building a life with Kali. He’s willing to work towards this future cooperatively to see what they can accomplish. Of course, their path isn’t without its obstacles.

Richard – the demon Iziel – is avidly thwarting every move. He seems to be one step ahead in any plan and is constantly tricking Kali into making agreements that only serve him. Richard is an entertaining and complex character. He kept me wondering whether there was more than met the eye with him.

The supporting cast – human and Nephilim – were so integral to the story. It was necessary to learn about these people in order to cheer on Kali and Tiamat in their quest to help rebuild the world. I especially enjoyed Kali’s relationship with Bram, which often provided that much needed giggle. I also liked the banter between Jacob and Jose, Kathleen’s expression of emotions towards Kali, and the development of the friendship between Nathaniel and Brandee (a character named for me).

The action sequences were all very well done. You could feel the sizzle of power and taste the dust left behind. They kept my adrenaline pumping and had me puzzling out things with the clues left. I did feel that at times Kali’s decision making had the pacing a little off but that didn’t affect my enjoyment.

The climax was awesome. I really had no idea if this final plan of Kali’s would work and wondered if the possible consequences would be worth it. I applaud DHNevins for how it all played out – even if it might not have been what I was hoping for.

This ride I’ve taken with Kali and Tiamat has been quite thrilling. I’m so pleased DHNevins picked up her pen and continued the story. There was a time I was wondering and reached out to her wanting to make sure she did. I appreciate the strong characters and the growth they exhibited over the course of the trilogy. And the world building was brilliant. I could envision the devastation of the planet as well as of its surviving inhabitants. I also felt the determination – that indomitable spirit – the people had to begin again…and to hopefully do better with their second chance. Angel of Ashes & Dust proved, “One end is another’s beginning.”

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Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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4 responses to “New Release Review & Giveaway ~ Angel of Ashes & Dust ~ D.H. Nevins

  1. Lovely review you have here. I am glad that this was such a great finale for you and love it when authors handled the suspense elements of the story so well.

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