Feature and Follow Friday #6

Posted 3 August, 2012 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Feature and Follow / 0 Comments

YAY it’s Friday again, and we are all free to poke into each others’ reading habits, get to know each other better and gain new followers!

As usual, the Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by
Parajunkee and Alison, this week’s featured bloggers are Reading Between Classes  and Read it, Read it, Loved it!.

This week’s question is :

Do your reading habits change based on your mood? Do you read a certain genre if you are feeling depressed or happy?

Luckily, I am very rarely depressed, but if I am feeling a little down, I love to read about Cat and Bones 😀 they always make me laugh, and I love their relationship. They go through problems together, and there are no loathsome love triangles to make things iffy (for me). So the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost is a winner for me.  

When I’m already happy, I can read anything – and then I love to go through fellow bloggers or Goodreads friends’ ‘currently reading’ or ‘excited about’ shelves to find ideas. Also, my own TBR is bloated, so it’s not as if I am ever at a loss for books.

Now, please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can make sure I can follow you back. It might take until after the weekend before I’ll be able to be online again, I’m off for a weekend in the mountains.

Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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0 responses to “Feature and Follow Friday #6

  1. Totally agree with not wanting to read about love triangles! I think I've actually started commenting in my reviews when a YA book DOESN'T have one! I have to admit, though, I can read more or less anything whatever my mood!Happy Friday! My FF this week

  2. I've never heard of Cat and Bones – I'll have to check that out! It gets so tiring with love triangles sometimes!While my mood doesn't dictate what book I read, my books often dictate what mood I am in…haha.

  3. I've never heard of Cat and Bones – I'll have to check that out! It gets so tiring with love triangles sometimes!While my mood doesn't dictate what book I read, my books often dictate what mood I am in…haha.

  4. That means you really need to start the Night Huntress series, Cat and Bones are awesome!Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment.

  5. You should definitely check them out if you like vampires and a strong-minded MC who is with a hot guy, and they are able to work through their problems without having other people involved.

  6. You should definitely check them out if you like vampires and a strong-minded MC who is with a hot guy, and they are able to work through their problems without having other people involved.

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