Series: Unbound #2
Published by Harlequin MIRA on 22 May 2012
Genres: Adult, Paranormal Romance, Suspense
Pages: 439
Source: Kindle Purchase

Shadow Bound picks up shortly after the end of Blood Bound, and we quickly learn more about how this society works. Kori needs to stay strong in order to solve the problems that arise, both so she can keep her sister safe, and because she wants to stay alive herself. There are many unexpected twists and turns, and the worldbuilding continues to be very well done.
Shadow Bound really built on the Blood Bound’s story, and the character development Kori went through was quite amazing. Of course, she was only a side character in the first book, and here, she was the heroine, but it was still easy to see how she changed, and how she became completely willing to fight for what she thought was right.
I was very happy that Kori’s torture in the basement was only alluded to, it was more than enough to realize she had been through some very bad things, I did not have to read about the details as well.
Ian seemed very wishy-washy in the start, he didn’t really impress me all that much, however, there was much more to him than what first met the eyes. He truly was a good guy, wanting to do what was right for his family, but also for the greater good. He had some very difficult choices to make, and I really felt bad for him for what he thought he had to do.
The Towers were even more crazy than what I had thought while reading the first book ! I was cheering for Kori and Ian to be able to do something to them ! The fact that Kori was picked especially to take care of Ian to continue her ‘punishment’ made Jake Tower even more evil and despicable than I could have imagined. I was cheering for Kori to try to find any and all loopholes in her binding so she could take on the Tower leaders, but it seemed almost impossible before Ian had a very good idea.
Kori also showed that she was more than someone who was good with weapons, as she now had to fight without knives or guns because Jake had ordered her to not bear her own weapons. Another thing to show his cruelty, and that he truly owned her and that he could do whatever he wanted, both to her, and anybody else who was part of the syndicate.
As Shadow Bound progressed at a very nice pace, the people who could and would help Kori and Ian with their final plan were quite surprising. It was also kind of sad to see that Kori could no longer count on the people who were part of her syndicate, truly showing that this world has a very big ‘each person for themselves’ policy. Which is often what happens when people are forced to do things for their leader, and each day is a fight to stay alive.
I loved the strong heroine, the fast-paced story, the work that had to be done in secret, and how both Kori and Ian learned to trust again. I hope that Kori and Ian will be part of the last book in this series, I would love to see how life treats them in the future.
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I'm so fascinated by this series. Great review!
I am, too! It has the world-building up to a T, and it is always interesting to read about some other kind of super-naturals :)Thanks for the comment Shane.