Feature and Follow #90 – What Would you do for that ARC?
YAY it’s Friday! Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature and Follow! If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers — but you have to know — the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.The Feature and Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Rachel of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to meet more new bloggers!
What sets this Hop apart from others, is that our hosts feature two blogs. Every week they will each showcase a Featured Blogger, from all different genres and areas. Just remember it is required, if you participate, to follow both their featured as well as our lovely hosts as a courtesy. How do you follow someone? Well, if you have a preference, state it in your Feature and follow post. I prefer being followed via e-mail, RSS / Bloglovin’ or Google+; but you can also like my Facebook page, or even follow me on Twitter.
Craziest thing you’d be willing to do for an ARC you are dying to read (aka what would you doooo-ooo for that ARC you want? *think of the Klondike Bar music*)
I don’t know that I’d really do anything crazy for an ARC… I usually request through Netgalley and Edelweiss, and lately, even with really good statistics (I have a 90% feedback to approval rate) publishers who have approved me before don’t… I have no idea why, it may be because I’m not in the US or Canada, and that just makes me plain sad! Especially because 70% of the people who read my blog are in the US and Canada. I have written e-mails back to publishers and specified this point, and it has happened that they later sent me a widget to get that one ARC I really, really wanted to read. Also, I only request ARCs for books I really want to read, so it’s not like I just click away like crazy.
What about you? Have you done something ‘crazy’ to get that one ARC you want so bad you feel like you’d do anything to get your hands on it?
Thanks for stopping by today, have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Twitter: Mlsimmons
I don’t get many ARCs, since most of my review books are audios and they don’t usually do advanced copies. I usually get them on release day. I do read a few ebooks for self published authors and they send me ARCs, but I don’t do anything for them but read and write a review.
Yeah, I think the best way to go in order to not be burned out on reading and blogging is to not request too many ARCs. In the beginning when I started blogging, I went a little mad with the thought of books I didn’t have to pay for, written by my favorite authors, and the possibility to read those books before the release date 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Melanie.
That’s really weird about Netgalley! I’m just starting out so I don’t get accepted for all of them, but it’s strange that you would be denied! Old follower so I added you on Goodreads 🙂
Here’s my F&F!
I’m sure you’ll get some ARCs, Tracy, and if I can give you just one tiny piece of advice, it’s to not request too many at the same time… I did that in the very beginning, and suddenly, I had 25 ARCs that were approved all at once. That was awful.
Thanks for stopping by.
WOW!! A 90% rate . . I got kind of addicted to NetGalley and mine is 70%, Whoops!!
Old Follower but I have moved my blog to W/P and would love a new follow. Thanks 🙂
have a great weekend <3
Kirsty xx
For a very long time, I was around 50%, but I’ve read much more ARCs than purchased books lately, and some of those ARCs are of books that are just being released now.
I’ve followed you in my WP dashboard, Kirsty. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend yourself.
I’ve never read an ARC before, so I can’t compare my experiences with yours, but I’m pretty impressed!
Love your layout btw.
New follower 🙂
Here’s my Follow Friday
I think not reading ARCs is just fine, Lisa. I have tons of purchased books on my kindle, but I’m a greedy woman 😉
Thanks, I like my layout, too! Have a great weekend.
I can’t believe you’re not being approved, Lexxie. That’s just plain ridiculous. :/ I don’t know what sort of crazy thing I’d do for an ARC?!?
Happy Friday, my dear! I’m rather glad the end of the week is here, as are my kids. 🙂 I’m sure you’re not ready for it to be over though. 😉 I hope you’re doing something fun this weekend. The only thing on our agenda is a recital – Berk has a violin recital on Sunday. Enjoy the weekend whatever you do! **BIG HUGS**
Yeah, I’m not into begging or doing stuff like that, so I wouldn’t do that for an ARC either.
I’m glad the week is over too, even if I’ve been extremely un-productive. I?m glad you’ll be able to have a calm weekend, I hope Berk’s violin recital goes well!
Thanks for stopping by, my dear *BIG HUGS*
I never did something really crazy to get an ARC either. If they are on Netgalley and I request them. And if I don’t get accepted I probably will buy it at some point if I really want it. Sometimes it would be nice to get a ARC, but often I don’t mind waiting till the release. I hardly ever send the author or publisher a direct request for an ARC, I still feel uncomfortable doing that.
Oh, I usually end up buying books as well, Lola, because I only request books I really want to read – so either I get the ARC, or I buy it and read it anyway 🙂
I haven’t contacted an author or a publisher directly for an ARC, only once I sent an e-mail after being rejected on NG, and I just wanted to make sure that it wasn’t because they hadn’t really seen my profile.
Thanks for stopping by.
I’m not crazy about ARC’s either, and like you, I choose my few through NetGalley. I feel it is more controlled and I don’t feel a great deal of pressure; great post!
Sparrow’s Friday 56
In the very beginning when I signed up on Netgalley, I went crazy with requests… And ended up with far too many ARCs to read and review, I ended up not actually having the time to read books I had bought. So yeah, now I’m much better, and I tend to only request books by my favorite authors.
Thanks for stopping by, Claudia.
Same here. I use Netgalley a lot but I’m not click crazy. And I have open review requests that authors and publishers send me. So the ARCs I get by those means keeps my reading stack full. But there’s nothing that I ever specifically request by authors I love. Even when the books are released I usually wait weeks-months to read them.
For me, it depends, I guess. When I buy a new release, I sometimes read it the same day, because I’ve been waiting for it a while. Other times, I’m buys, or not in the mood for that particular genre and so it just stays on my TBR for a while.
Thanks for stopping by Jessi.
I’ve written emails at times too Lexie, most of my audience is in the US and Canada too. But I don’t think I would do anything outrageous for an Arc *wink*
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
Nah, not too outrageous, anyway 🙂 hehe. Thanks for stopping by, Naomi.