#COYER Review: A SEAL’s Salvation (Uniformly Hot SEALs #3) – Tawny Weber

Posted 27 March, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 9 Comments

#COYER Review: A SEAL’s Salvation (Uniformly Hot SEALs #3) – Tawny WeberA SEAL's Salvation by Tawny Weber
Series: Uniformly Hot SEALs #3
Published by Harlequin BLAZE on 21 January 2014
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 224
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley

4 Stars

Subject: Navy SEAL Petty Officer Brody Lane

Current Status: On leave

Obstacle: The one girl who was off-limits…

Where navy SEAL "Bad Ass" Brody Lane goes, trouble follows. Being run out of his hometown years ago for misbehaving with Genna Reilly—the sheriff's daughter—was one thing. Now Brody is about to step into real danger. Not the suggestive letters he's been exchanging with Genna, but the kind of trouble that can send a soldier home injured and broken inside…

Genna's entire life has been orchestrated by her family. The right job. The right friends. Enough! Brody's return offers the promise of lust-filled pleasures. Of flesh teased and tasted. She's not expecting to find a soldier with distant eyes who has secluded himself from the world. But this good girl knows exactly how to bring a bad boy back to life….

Uniformly Hot! The Few. The Proud. The Sexy as Hell.

*I received a free ARC of A SEAL’s Salvation from Harlequin Blaze via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

A SEAL’s Salvation has just the right amount of hotness, doubts, love, lust and cookies! And, of course, for me to fully enjoy all that goodness, there was a nice dose of humor as well. Genna’s infatuation with Brody started when she was a teenager, and it lasted for long after her father forced him to join the navy. After her brother’s death, she writes him to let him know his friend has passed away. His answer was so succinct and teasing I couldn’t help but both laugh and wonder how Genna would deal with it.

After a few weeks of naughty notes and letters, A SEAL’s Salvation takes on a more serious tone, as Brody is hurt in action. He finally comes back to his home town after ten years away, staying with his grandma who is Genna’s next door neighbor. Genna is the ultimate ‘good girl’ the one who always tries to please other people, particularly her parents, often going against her own wants and dreams. And it’s something I think many women have to deal with! Growing up being called ‘princess’ and always hearing how it’s important to be a good girl, to be nice, to show respect and be polite… I really don’t think that does any girl or woman any favors at all.

The fact that there is much more to the story in A SEAL’s Salvation than the romance really appealed to me. Genna had to grow a back-bone and stand up both to her police chief father, and to her hypochondriac mother who used her pretend illnesses to control Genna at every turn of her life. Feeling very dissatisfied both with her job, her relationships – or lack there of – and how she lived her life made Genna easy to relate to, especially when she finally got the courage to just go after what she wanted and grab it with both hands, no matter what other people might think of her.

Brody is kind of the catalyst for Genna’s daring to stand up for herself. When he comes back home, he is hurt, angry and doesn’t know what to do with his life. A SEAL’s Salvation is really a story about healing – both physical and psychological wounds that need to be taken care of. Brody has been thinking about Genna a lot, but he is sure he will not go anywhere near her. The town princess and the boy from the wrong side of the tracks do not belong together. When Genna shows up at his door, though, his good intentions disappear quickly, even as he does his best to resist her beautiful charms.

A SEAL’s Salvation also has that wonderful hotness I love in books that are filled with chemistry, anticipation and gorgeous characters with big flaws. I have added the other books in the Uniformly Hot SEALs series to my TBR list. Because between the romance, the story and the character development in this one, I just know I need more.

Genna’s entire body was quivering. Nerves. Excitement. Desire. She couldn’t tell which was which. She just knew they were all there.

She wanted to kiss them, every single one. To wish away the hurts she knew he’d suffered. She wanted to make him happy. To make him feel so good, he’d forget about all the bad he’d ever felt.

“It’s usually better to take the hint. When someone doesn’t answer the door it means they don’t want to see you.” “I’ve never been good with subtleties.* No question about that. Brody and subtle didn’t even belong in the same sentence.

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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9 responses to “#COYER Review: A SEAL’s Salvation (Uniformly Hot SEALs #3) – Tawny Weber

    • I always enjoy romances even more when there is more to the story 🙂 And in this, the character development is really good, too!

      Thanks for stoppin by, Naomi 🙂

    • That cover is made of hotness, isn’t it? The story is pretty hot as well, and LOL – you don’t answer the door? Is it because you don’t want to see who’s there, or because you’re so busy reading you can’t hear it?

      Thanks for stopping by, Carmel.

    • I’m a little crazy when it comes to my pleasure reading, Braine. I prefer to sleep less than to read less :O

      These kinds of military novels get to me as well 😀 you’d love this one!

      Thanks for stopping by.

  1. A Seal’s Salvation sounds really good, Lex. I like the fact that it seems like Genna does some major growth as a character – you know I like seeing that in a story. And that the characters are flawed. I also like that this story is about more than just the romance. *sigh* You’re giving me quite a workout this morning! 😉 This one is going on my TBR as well. Hope you’ve had a great day! *hugs*

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