Brandee & Linda’s Excellent Reading Challenge Adventure 2023

Posted 8 January, 2023 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Challenges / 5 Comments

Linda and I love participating in reading challenges. But there are so many to choose from! And because there are so many we’d like to join but wouldn’t be able to accomplish, we are, once again, creating a reading challenge for ourselves that’s pieced together from other challenges. BIG shoutout to GirlXOXO for providing a comprehensive list of 2023 reading challenges for us to choose from!

All challenges listed link back to the websites of those hosting each particular challenge. Thanks to all those who host these challenges! Here’s what’s on tap for us this year:

From the Decolonize Your Bookshelf Reading Challenge:

  • Choose 4 from the list in the graphic.


Finishing the Series Reading Challenge

This one might me mostly for me since I’m the only one who leaves series unfinished. 😉 Seeing as I have SO MANY unfinished series it’d probably take me all year to finish them and it wouldn’t leave time for any other reading, I’m aiming low.


From the Read Harder Challenge:

  • Read one of your favorite author’s favorite books.
  • Read a historical fiction book set in an Eastern country.


From the Something Bookish Reading Challenge:

  • A book inspired by Mythology, Folklore, or Legend
  • A book written by two authors


Thrifty Thursday Challenge

Read and review a book weekly that we got for free!


From Linda’s imagination:

  • Brandee should read a book set in either Norway or Switzerland  – or a book written by either a Swiss or a Norwegian author.
  • Linda should read a book set in either Colorado or Texas – or a book written by either a Texas-based or a Denver-based author (that she hasn’t read before).
  • Buddy-read one book each month of 2023


Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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5 responses to “Brandee & Linda’s Excellent Reading Challenge Adventure 2023

  1. Berls

    I love the piecing together challenges! And Linda you have a great imagination! Miss you both and good luck on your challenges! <3

  2. WendyW

    That makes so much sense to piece together challenges to fit each of your reading styles.

  3. Thanks for joining the Thrifty Thursday challenge. I only do my post once a month but also try to read about one book a week. For Finish the series, you can start right out with finishing the Night Huntress series in January!

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