Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Layla ~ Colleen Hoover

Posted 18 January, 2021 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments

*I received a free copy of Layla from Montlake Romance via ARC Publisher. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Layla ~ Colleen HooverLayla by Colleen Hoover
Published by Montlake Romance on December 8, 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Paranormal Romance
Pages: 301
Format: eARC
Source: ARC Publisher
5 Stars

When Leeds meets Layla, he’s convinced he’ll spend the rest of his life with her—until an unexpected attack leaves Layla fighting for her life. After weeks in the hospital, Layla recovers physically, but the emotional and mental scarring has altered the woman Leeds fell in love with. In order to put their relationship back on track, Leeds whisks Layla away to the bed-and-breakfast where they first met. Once they arrive, Layla’s behavior takes a bizarre turn. And that’s just one of many inexplicable occurrences.

Feeling distant from Layla, Leeds soon finds solace in Willow—another guest of the B&B with whom he forms a connection through their shared concerns. As his curiosity for Willow grows, his decision to help her find answers puts him in direct conflict with Layla’s well-being. Leeds soon realizes he has to make a choice because he can’t help both of them. But if he makes the wrong choice, it could be detrimental for all of them.

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews

With Layla, CoHo dipped her toes into unchartered waters – paranormal romance. I wasn’t sure what I was going to get other than I knew I’d enjoy it. And I wasn’t wrong. CoHo delivered on what I knew to expect from her – a well written story with fully realized characters – and on what I could only have imagined. Layla was suspenseful, mysterious, twisty, romantic, and AMAZING.

It really was! I had so many different theories as I was reading Layla, with each little thing that happened, I was totally going off in my imagination. As always, CoHo did very well.

I adored Layla from the start. She was so open and honest, insightful and REAL…refreshing. Her meeting Leeds seemed fated and genuine. Leeds made me laugh with his curiosity about Layla and his disbelief in how deeply he felt for her from the beginning. I really felt they had something special. What impressed you most about Layla and Leeds?

I agree! She was very different, and she danced to her own tune without any shame at all. Their meeting was definitely fated, and the way things happened after that was so sweet! Their night together, and then just wanting to stay together 🙂 

The event that changed their lives was a shocker. I hated that Leeds felt such guilt over it because there wasn’t anything he could have done, in my opinion. What did you think of the event and Leeds’ guilt? And do you think CoHo was maybe pointing out the negatives of social media? Or did the event just fit with the story?

While I hated that he felt so much guilt, I really got that he was feeling guilty. Because he felt like if he had been more discrete, things would have been very different. I think the event just fit with the story, because CoHo uses social media quite a bit. At the same time, I think it’s important to be conscious about what we put out there on social media.

Upon meeting Willow and seeing how Leeds was with her, I admit to wanting to smack him upside his head. I didn’t blame him for his curiosity about her but I did blame him for the inexplicable pull her felt towards her. It made me lose my faith in him a little bit and question myself over my certainty about what he and Layla had. How did Leeds meeting Willow make you feel?

Oh my gosh! I was so confused! And I just didn’t get why he would act the way he did. It was mysterious at first, and I enjoyed that part of the story. Then, things got out of hand very quickly, and I was both upset and confused.

You and I were throwing out all sorts of possibilities as to what was going on and…we were so very wrong. CoHo planted so many seeds of possibility and she had us so twisted. Then she dropped the bomb. I loved that I’d have never guessed that and that the actuality did’t disappoint me at all. I’m pretty sure I know the answer but did you appreciate all the twisty goodness?

LOL I’m actually happy all our theories were wrong. It was still a lot of fun to discuss them, right? I would have never guessed, either, and now I’m wondering if there are hints there that I just wasn’t able to see. I loved the twisty goodness! 

The ending was risky. I mean, would you have gone that far? Maybe for true love? I’m not certain. I was extremely anxious with all the pieces flying about but CoHo deftly handled the ending. And I was completely satisfied with how things turned out. How did you feel about the ending?

I actually loved the ending. I really don’t see what else they could have done, because not doing what they did would have been catastrophic, don’t you think? It was definitely risky, and I held my breath while I was reading. 

I don’t know about you, but with Layla I think CoHo has proven her talent once again – and in a way I know I’ll read ANYTHING she writes.

I think CoHo can write any genre she wants to write, and it’ll be good.


Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2020 COYER all year long
  • 2020 New Release Challenge
Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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5 responses to “Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Layla ~ Colleen Hoover

  1. ooh I just loved seeing this buddy chat for this book. I like that this author is exploring into elements that she doesn’t normally do and its spot on and became such an enjoyable experience for you.

    Lovely review you two!! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Maureen Bakker

    I’m so glad to read you ladies loved this book. I’ve been wanting to read Layla, and now I’m sure I just have too! And I looove Paranormal Romance!!

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