Audio Review ~ Heidi’s Guide to Four Letter Words ~ Tara Sivec & Andi Arndt

Posted 9 October, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 7 Comments

Heidi’s Guide to Four Letter Words was, in a word, hysterical. If you’ve read Tara Sivec before, you know you’re going to get laugh-out-loud humor. And even though Heidi’s story was a joint effort with Andi Arndt, there was plenty of humor. Seriously.

Heidi is a good girl. She’s not a prude and the word prim comes to mind but that feels derogatory. I think she’s been sheltered and has always done what was expected of her. A good girl. So when she finds herself at a crossroads, thanks to being fired from her position as a kindergarten teacher, she chooses the road less traveled. Now, that wasn’t intentional on Heidi’s part but it was a hilarious journey. And you’ll have to listen to find out what I mean. 😉

So Heidi experiences an awakening. She figures out what she wants to do, who she wants to be, and, ahem, who she wants to do it with. All thanks to a little erotica. Never let it be said that erotica isn’t beneficial in some ways. 😉

Humor aside – and it must be said again that this story is FUNNY – there was some seriousness. I appreciated how Sivec and Arndt had Heidi go about finding herself. I adored watching her grow and mature and she figured it out. And she did it all without the benefit of her mom’s hot dishes and lemon bars. <– some Minnesota humor there. 😉

Arndt was the obvious choice for narrator and she, naturally, did a superb job. She had a few bumps with keeping the accents going but honestly, she breathed life into this rather large and definitely colorful cast.

Oh my goodness! This is a must listen and definitely one of the best of 2019! I laughed so hard and kept a ridiculous grin constantly but I also liked the seriousness of the path one can take to find themselves. I’m just tickled Heidi did it through erotica! 😉

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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7 responses to “Audio Review ~ Heidi’s Guide to Four Letter Words ~ Tara Sivec & Andi Arndt

  1. I honestly love when a book gives you such a great time, and I surely love a good, hard laugh, so this read sounds like a very nice one to me 🙂

  2. Sophia Rose

    Ahhh, now that sounds great and a real pick-me-upper. I like Andi Arendt’s narration so it’s cool that she’s co-writing now and you can’t go wrong with Tara Sivec.

  3. Berls

    Okay, you’ve sold me on this one. First off, humor is always a win for me. Second, erotica provides her awawkening? Yes! And that she was fired from her job as a Kinder teacher just adds a bit of extra appeal for me. I’ll definitely do the audio too, since the narration was such a win. I love that you are now recommending audio to me, who’d have thought, huh?

    Great review! Sending you tons of hugs!! xoxo

  4. I loved this book so much! Laughed through the whole thing and gave it 5 stars something I rarely do for a laugh out loud book. So good. I don’t see what you rated it?

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