#Audio #Bookreview: Unholy Magic – Stacia Kane

Posted 21 July, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
#Audio #Bookreview: Unholy Magic – Stacia KaneUnholy Magic by Stacia Kane
Narrator: Bahni Turpin
Series: Downside Ghosts #2
Published by Blackstone Audio on 22 June 2010
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Length: 10 h 56 m
Format: Audiobook
Source: Audible Purchase
5 Stars

For freewheeling ghost hunter Chess Putnam, finding herself near-fatally poisoned by a con psychic and then stopping a murderous ghost is just another day on the job. An agent for the Church of Real Truth, she investigates claims of harassment by the undead. But Chess has been extra busy these days, coping with a new “celebrity” assignment while trying on her own time to help some desperate prostitutes. Someone’s taking out the hookers of Downside in the most gruesome way, and Chess is sure the rumors that it’s the work of a ghost are way off base. But proving herself right means walking in the path of a maniac, not to mention standing between the two men in her life just as they are moving closer to a catastrophic showdown. Someone is dealing in murder, sex, and the supernatural, and once again Chess finds herself right in the crossfire.

Unholy Magic is even more gripping, gritty and edgy when it’s narrated by Bahni Turpin! Chess and all her emotions are portrayed so well, as are Terrible and the other characters, too.

My Unholy Magic audioreview:

Unholy Magic was an amazing story for me to read several years ago, and listening to it made it more. More emotions. More connection with the characters. More in-depth story-telling. I was completely engrossed from start to finish. Bahni Turpin is so good at doing the different voices, accents… it’s easy to know who is talking with her narration.

I was also even more amazed with Chess while listening to Unholy Magic. She is so strong and capable, but at the same time, so filled with doubt and insecurities. And especially when it came to her relationship with Terrible, she had such a hard time figuring out what she wanted, what she needed and what she felt comfortable with. There are two big plots in Unholy Magic, one is an alleged haunting in a movie-star’s home, the other is about prostitutes being killed, with their eyes taken from them. Both in Bump’s and in Slobag’s territories. This brings Chess’ two worlds on a collision course, and it’s hard for her to keep up with everything.

As the story unfolds, though, my heart was bleeding for Chess! All her recent bad decisions came to bite her in the butt, and so her self-doubt grew to horrendous proportions before she was able to snap herself out of it during a fight with several ghosts, hosts and black-magic users. Dark and gritty, there is just something about the Downside Ghosts series that appeals to me. Of course, the stories are extremely well written, with characters that are flawed, but that I still can’t help but love. The whole universe is edgy and sad, but Chess still gets up every day to get the job done. Hiding big parts of herself wherever she is, and whoever she is with.

I look forward to listening to the rest of the series, Kane and Turpin make me want to hug Chess but at the same time shake her and make her see how incredible she truly is.


Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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10 responses to “#Audio #Bookreview: Unholy Magic – Stacia Kane

    • Yeah the narrator for this series is fantastic, Naomi! I have even bought other audiobooks by searching for Bahni Turpin – discovering new authors thanks to her 🙂
      You would absolutely love Chess, too! I just know it 🙂

  1. RO

    Isn’t it wonderful to find a book that you enjoy so much that you dip in for seconds? This sounds like a fab read and love your review! I’m the world’s worst when it comes to audio reads, and have managed to just listen to 2 or 3. Hopefully one day soon, I can get into their magic a little more. Hugs…Ro

    RO recently posted: MAKE IT YUMMY MONDAY
    • Yup, Ro, and that really doesn’t happen to me often! I am so happy for audiobooks, because that has become my ‘excuse’ for re-reading a favorite 🙂 There are always so many new ones!
      I have to admit, it took me quite some time to actually enjoy audiobooks! The first one I listened me had me sleeping in under a minute. On a plane. Cross-Atlantic. And I only woke up when we were starting to descend for landing.

  2. I LOVE this series on audio. I really want to do a relisten at some point but I’m trying to get through my backlist of audio requests.

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