Author: Stacia Kane

Review: Made for Sin – Stacia Kane

Review: Made for Sin – Stacia Kane

Made for Sin is set in a dark, gritty universe, where there are demons and magic, and where safety is not a given. Characters that kept me on my toes, a tight plot and a good storyline entertained me and had me hooked from start to finish. Made for Sin has quite a bit of suspense, as the story starts with the discovery of a corpse without its right arm. Yes, you read that right – the whole arm was taken off, from the shoulder, and the rest was left behind. Speare was the one PI who was set on the case, and he needed help both from the police and from a thief who might know something about a […]


#Audio #Bookreview: Unholy Magic – Stacia Kane

#Audio #Bookreview: Unholy Magic – Stacia Kane

Unholy Magic is even more gripping, gritty and edgy when it’s narrated by Bahni Turpin! Chess and all her emotions are portrayed so well, as are Terrible and the other characters, too. My Unholy Magic audioreview: Unholy Magic was an amazing story for me to read several years ago, and listening to it made it more. More emotions. More connection with the characters. More in-depth story-telling. I was completely engrossed from start to finish. Bahni Turpin is so good at doing the different voices, accents… it’s easy to know who is talking with her narration. I was also even more amazed with Chess while listening to Unholy Magic. She is so strong and capable, but at the same time, so […]


Audio Review: Unholy Ghosts – Stacia Kane

Audio Review: Unholy Ghosts – Stacia Kane

Unholy Ghosts in audioversion is even better than the written version, if that is even possible! Bahni Turpin’s narration brought the awesomeness to a whole new level, with her changes in pitch, pace, and the way she ‘was’ each of the characters I’ve come to know and love in the Downside Ghosts series. My Unholy Ghosts audio review: I am still new to audiobooks, but I think Unholy Ghosts managed to really whet my appetite, and to be able to live the story because someone talented tells it to me is such a great experience. Each time Turpin narrated Lex, I could hear the kind of teasing smile in her voice, and if Chess was upset about something, it could […]


Review: Close to You (Downside Ghosts #5.5) – Stacia Kane

Review: Close to You (Downside Ghosts #5.5) – Stacia Kane

*I received a free ARC of Close to You from St. Martin’s Press via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* Close to You is a short story, filled with both action and romance, and of course, I got my long-awaited Chess and Terrible fix! I am always happy when I get to spend a little time with my favorite UF couple. There is always so much happening around those two! And even in this very short story, a lot of things happen that they have to deal with very quickly. The Downside speak in Close to You is just as well done as it is in all of the books in this series, and I can always both ‘see’ […]

Posted 17 December, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 25 Comments

Review: Wrong Ways Down (Downside Ghosts #1.5) – Stacia Kane

Review: Wrong Ways Down (Downside Ghosts #1.5) – Stacia Kane

Wrong Ways Down is a novella in the Downside Ghosts series, and it’s all in Terrible’s point of view, third person present tense. It is really great to get some more insight into Terrible’s psyche to see the way he sees himself and the world around him. And if you’re a fan of Stacia Kane’s dark and gritty series, with imperfect main characters, drugs, violence and mystery, Wrong Ways Down is a must-read! To see what Terrible think about Chess, how he sees her as so smart and beautiful, but too far above himself is really heart-warming, and a little heart-wrenching as well. Terrible is a thug, an enforcer, and he’s not afraid to use his fist and size to […]

Posted 27 August, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments

Chasing Magic (Downside Ghosts #5) – Stacia Kane

Chasing Magic (Downside Ghosts #5) – Stacia Kane

Chasing Magic had me going: Oh my goodness! Chessiebomb – you are so damaged, and I can’t help but loving you anyway. Chess is always fighting her demons, and most of the time, she truly does do the right thing. She tries so hard to be good, but underneath it all is that lack of self-worth that has been instilled in her since she was only a little girl. Even just the hinting of what she has been through is really heavy stuff, and I hope that one day, she will feel worthy of the love she and Terrible shares. Terrible is terribly wonderful (heh, see what I did there?) he is always on Chess’ side, and even comes to […]


Finding Magic (Downside Ghosts # 0.5) – Stacia Kane

Finding Magic (Downside Ghosts # 0.5) – Stacia Kane

Before I started reading Finding Magic: I need something to keep me from going into withdrawal while I wait for the next Downside Ghosts novel! A few minutes after I finished reading Finding Magic : YAY this was an awesome novella, and I usually don’t even like shorter stories all that much. The only thing I’m a little confused about is Jillian… I thought she and Chess had never met before in a later book. I think a re-read is what I need right now 🙂 Chess is even more damaged than I thought she was, and I feel so sorry for her! It was great to see how she acted before she became a ‘real’ church-witch, and how her relationship […]
