2018 New Release Challenge Sign-up

Posted 15 November, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Challenges / 67 Comments

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2018 New Release Challenge

The 2018 New Release Challenge is a year-long challenge in which we aim to read books released in 2018.  From this year on, I’ll be the sole host of the challenge, and I hope that won’t keep any of you away!  There is one post on the top of my homepage for all review links for the year, where the link is open for books you read and review each quarter.

In 2017, I read 118 books that counted for the New Release Challenge, and I don’t see why this should be any different this year. This is why I want to continue with the New Release Challenge. I always tend to do better when someone cheers for me, and I cheer for them. Also, trying to make sure I am held accountable both for the ARCs I receive and books I buy is important to me.

As always, I have already created a 2018 Release shelf on Goodreads, if you want to check it out to help you be inspired 😉

There is a Facebook Group for the 2018 New Release Challenge, to have a place where we can keep up with each other, cheer each other on, and get to know each other better. It is also a place where we can help each other find even more new releases. For those of you who have already participated, it’s the same group as before.

The rules for the 2018 New Release Challenge are simple:

  • Books have to be released and reviewed in 2018.
  • Other challenges can be used as well, if you are participating in the Netgalley / Edelweiss challenge or in the COYER challenge, books can count towards more than one challenge, as long as the ones you use for the 2018 New Release Reading Challenge qualify to the other rules.
  • The minimum length for a book to qualify is 100 pages, it can be in any format though, physical, e-book, ARC or audiobook.
  • The New Book Release Challenge is open from January 1st through December 31st 2018, and sign-ups are open until September 1st 2018.
  • You don’t have to be a blogger to participate, you can link to your review on Goodreads or Booklikes instead – so don’t be shy!
  • If you want to spread the love, please use #2018NewRelease on Twitter 😉

There are five levels  in the 2018 New Release Challenge:

  1. 1-30 books per year – New Release Newbie
  2. 31-60 books per year – New Release Pro
  3. 61-100 books per year – New Release Veteran
  4. 101-200 books per year – New Release Enthusiast
  5. 200+ books per year – New Release Obsessed

To sign up, please link your sign-up post in the linky below, and also make sure you use the quarterly linky for your reviews, as that will be the way the giveaway winner will be chosen. You can choose if you want to do monthly or quarterly challenge updates on your blog, but you will have the possibility to link up each quarter with your reviews.

2018 New Release Challenge link-up

I hope you’ll sign up, and that you’ll have fun with 2018 New Release books.

Good luck, and happy reading 🙂

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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67 responses to “2018 New Release Challenge Sign-up

  1. I’m in again! I went in this year aiming low since I wanted to read books I already owned and yet I surpassed my goal! Hmm… This is a fun challenge though. 🙂
    {{{BIG HUGS}}} Wifey! <3

  2. I’m in! Thanks for hosting again. I’m surprised at the number of new releases that I read in 2017. However, I’m still aiming for the lowest level since my reading goal is to read more of the books I already own! It’s hard to resist the new shineys, though 🙂

  3. I am excited you’re hosting this again this year! I am joining again! Although I’ll probably keep track of the books that count with a goodreads list this year instead of the recap posts, to see how that goes. I really like this challenge and seeing how many new releases I read each year :).

  4. Yes, I finally made it and found the time to write and post my sign-up post. I am really curious how 2018 will be for me when it comes to new releases since so many things have changed in my private life. Looking forward to it!

    Best wishes & Merry Christmas
    Vi @Inkvotary

  5. Happy New Year! I’m Jenia and this first time doing this challenge, but i always loved reading new books, so i am looking forward to it 🙂

  6. I had set up my post on my family blog but I’m going back home and rebranding “Danieka Ark” so I’ll be doing it from that blog 🙂 CAN’T WAIT! I’m so excited about this challenge!

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