★★★★★ Review: A Queen of Thieves & Chaos – K.A. Tucker

Posted 29 September, 2023 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments

★★★★★ Review: A Queen of Thieves & Chaos – K.A. TuckerA Queen of Thieves & Chaos by K. A. Tucker
Series: Fate & Flame #3
Published by Selfpublished on 5 September 2023
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal
Pages: 606
Format: Kindle
Source: Kindle Purchase
5 Stars

"You betrayed your brother to steal a broken crown."

The kingdom stands on the brink of chaos. Atticus' grip on the realm is faltering, and as threats arise ever closer to home he is driven to increasingly desperate acts to hold onto power.

With Islor's fate now in the balance, Zander stands to defend the Rift from the oncoming Ybarisan army. With the king's forces scattered, he must risk unlikely new alliances.

And behind the walls of Ulysede, secrets wait for its new queen. Romeria knows that the paths of the hidden city will lead her to answers. But will they be enough to save the realm – or is their fate already sealed?

A Queen of Thieves and Chaos is fast-paced with many loose threads followed up on through the eyes of various characters.

I loved how vivid the imagery was in A Queen of Thieves and Chaos, because I truly felt like I was running next to the characters, or hiding with them, or just generally being in their vicinity. The colors, the textures, the feelings – I felt it all, which made me enjoy myself that much more while reading this story.

Tucker has built an incredible world with the Fate & Fire series, and this is something I think was particularly well done in A Queen of Thieves and Chaos, because it was easy to get into this new installment, even if it has been a while since I read the second book.

Romeria’s character arc is also so well done, the way she has grown, and how she is finally starting to fully trust herself and her abilities came to an important culmination in A Queen of Thieves and Chaos. I also loved that we followed Atticus and Gracen fairly closely, we also followed Zander, and other characters had their own plot lines as well, albeit not as important as these four.

The action scenes were so well done, and again, I felt like I was in the midst of everything that was going on. The only thing now is that I have to wait several months for the next story, thank goodness for pre-order possibilities, right?





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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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