Series: Fate & Flame

★★★★★ Review: A Queen of Thieves & Chaos – K.A. Tucker

★★★★★ Review: A Queen of Thieves & Chaos – K.A. Tucker

A Queen of Thieves and Chaos is fast-paced with many loose threads followed up on through the eyes of various characters. I loved how vivid the imagery was in A Queen of Thieves and Chaos, because I truly felt like I was running next to the characters, or hiding with them, or just generally being in their vicinity. The colors, the textures, the feelings – I felt it all, which made me enjoy myself that much more while reading this story. Tucker has built an incredible world with the Fate & Fire series, and this is something I think was particularly well done in A Queen of Thieves and Chaos, because it was easy to get into this new installment, […]

Posted 29 September, 2023 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments