Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts #165 ~ Stanton Adore

Posted 24 January, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts / 2 Comments


Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts

Welcome to Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts, an original weekly meme hosted here at (un)Conventional Bookworms. So many of the books we read have food or drinks in them, some we’d love to try, and others we’d never ever want to taste… and I thought it could be interesting and fun to share some food and / or drink quotes…  If you want to participate, you can grab our logo if you’d like, or you can make your own, but please link back to us in your own post.

The idea of Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts is to share a quote with food or drinks that showed up in a recent read, as well as if it’s something you think you’d like or not. Please share the title of the book it happened in, as well as the character who ate or drank the special little something you discovered between the pages of a good read. Please link up beneath, and visit other bloggers who are participating in Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts as well.

My quote this week comes from Stanton Adore by T.L. Swan. I’m a sucker for a guy who cooks. 😉

“I’ve made you breakfast,” he announces. “Come to the table.” He smiles warmly as he pulls me up by the hands. I look down at myself and smile. I notice he hasn’t said anything about my flannelette PJs. I must be allowed to wear them when I have my period. I walk out to the table and frown. It looks like the buffet breakfast that hotel had where we stayed the other night. Croissants, bacon and eggs, muffins and toast and three types of juice. Ok, he’s lost it.


Thanks for stopping by today, I look forward to reading your Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts quote. Have a terrific Thursday and don’t forget to link up. NOTE: We’re experiencing issues with our linky so please leave your link in the comments. 😀


Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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