Safe and Sexy #4 – The Other Side of Us

Posted 17 February, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Safe & Sexy / 4 Comments

Safe & Sexy #4

I’ve had the idea for a feature about safe sex for a long time, ever since I had my discussion post with the same name a long time ago! And finally, Safe & Sexy was born. It’s where I will share a quote from a story I have read, and where there is a lot of hotness and sexiness, but where they still take the time to be safe! It’s important to me to read books that make me dream, but I also want them to be somewhat realistic. And to me, characters seem realistic when they take care of themselves and their partner(s)! Safe sex is a great way to do so, and when an author includes a couple of lines to share that they are indeed using condoms, I am such a happy reader. And I think it’s sexy when both new and ‘old’ lovers show that they respect each other by getting that condom, and possibly making using it both safe & sexy, hot and fun.

If you want to participate with your very own Safe & Sexy quotes, go right ahead. The more the merrier, and maybe your quote will help me add a new book to my bloated TBR shelf 😉 One can never have enough books, right? This week’s safe & sexy is taken from The Other Side of Us by Sarah Mayberry. One of the things I loved about this romance is that Mackenzie really had to go after what she wanted, and she was pretty bold about it, too.

The Other Side of Us cover - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The best thing between Oliver Barrett and Mackenzie Williams is a fence. Ever since Oliver’s new-neighbor gestures were met with unfriendly responses, he’s decided to keep his distance. After all, he’s in this seaside town to get his life on track again. That doesn’t include working hard to get on Mackenzie’s good side—no matter how intriguing she may be. His intentions are put to the test, however, when his dog becomes infatuated with hers. The two crafty canines do their best to break down the barriers between the properties. And where the dogs go…, well, the humans must follow! It doesn’t take long for a powerful attraction to build between Oliver and Mackenzie. They soon discover that the worst of first impressions can lead to the best possible outcomes….

My Safe & Sexy quote:

She was ready. Well, as ready as she’d ever be. Butterflies did a river dance in her belly as she tip-tapped her way to the front door. Smitty kept pace with her, his face turned upward, his expression questioning. “Sorry, buddy, but this is a solo mission.” She was about to leave when she remembered something important. She swiveled and walked back to her bedroom. Yanking open the bedside drawer, she rummaged around, hoping against that the box of condoms she’d bought eighteen months ago was still there. It was. Better yet, the expiry date was good. She extracted one condom and slid it into her pocket, then added another for good measure. Just in case. Feeling brazen and bold and terrified as all get-out, she left the house.
[…] His mouth curved into a slow, knowing smile as he relinquished his position and came on top of her. His hips settled between her thighs and she reached for him, positioning him at her entrance. “Wait.” A chagrined expression came over his face. “Condom.” “Front pocket of my jeans.” A slow smile curved his mouth. “You don’t do anything by halves, do you?” “Not if he’s worth doing.” He laughed, and then she was watching his perfect, rounded ass as he hightailed it out the door in search of her jeans.

Safe & Sexy Link-up

Thanks for stopping by today. Don’t forget to include your Safe & Sexy post in the linky. Have a fantastic Friday and happy reading.

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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4 responses to “Safe and Sexy #4 – The Other Side of Us

  1. LOL “Not if he’s worth doing.” <– That made me giggle! This sounds like a good read, wifey, and I think I might actually own it. 😉
    I have a Safe & Sexy quote to share from Bounty – I think I'll post it next week. I didn't want to KA out everyone this week since I posted quotes from her yesterday. But dang! She always has so many good ones! 😉
    Happy Friday!! I hope you're enjoying your day! I miss you and love you!!! {{{BIG HUGS}}}

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