Series: Stanton

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Stanton Completely ~ T.L. Swan #RAREParis

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Stanton Completely ~ T.L. Swan #RAREParis

Wow! What a way to wrap up Natasha and Josh’s story! Stanton Completely made me so happy because I got the emotional growth from them both and the suspense element had me biting my nails. I have to admit to wanting more from these characters. I agree, Brandee. We finally got some growth. And it almost came too late! Yes, it was quite an ending. I loved them!   You remember how I mentioned Natasha’s being a psychologist benefited her in this relationship? I appreciated how she was able to put some pieces together to get a more complete puzzle where Josh was concerned. She even accepted her part in causing the issue. Woohoo for some emotional growth! How did […]

Posted 27 February, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Stanton Unconditional ~ T.L. Swan #RAREParis

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Stanton Unconditional ~ T.L. Swan #RAREParis

I’m not gonna sugar-coat it…Stanton Unconditional tried my patience a good bit. The drama! I just wanted Natasha and Joshua to grow up a bit! Yeah, I did so many eye-rolls while reading Stanton Unconditional it’s almost weird my eyes could continue down the pages. They were both acting like brats, and I didn’t like either of them. And again, Natasha lashed out instead of hearing Josh out. It got on my last nerve. I agree!!!   I think at this point I should comment on the fabulous secondary cast Swan created. Adrian, Max, Ben, Bridget and Abbie, and Cameron ALL add so much depth to the story. Cameron had to work a little to win his place back in […]

Posted 20 February, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 12 Comments

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Stanton Adore ~ T.L. Swan #RAREParis

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Stanton Adore ~ T.L. Swan  #RAREParis

As you may or may not know, Denise and I are traveling to Europe in late March to visit Lexxie and to attend RAREParis. In an attempt to prepare, at least for RARE, the three of us decided to buddy read books from RARE authors. This is the second of our chat reviews for this amazing list of authors! Stanton Adore completely hooked me. There was just something about the story, the pace, and the characters that was very compelling. I got hooked quickly, too, Brandee. The beginning of the story just grabbed me and wouldn’t let me go. Young love, young choices and all that go with that had me hooked.   Swan did an excellent job in creating […]

Posted 13 February, 2019 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 11 Comments