Publisher: Rutherford Press

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ The Next Mrs Russo ~ Jana Aston

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ The Next Mrs Russo ~ Jana Aston

Hooray! JAston is BACK! And with The Next Mrs Russo she’s better than ever! 🙂 Oh my gosh – it was all I could have ever wished for and more! I immediately fell for Audrey. Her quirky personality and her hysterical internal dialog was so much fun and it allowed us to really get to know her. I adored that she up-cycled vintage clothing (I didn’t know that was a thing) and that her plumbing was essentially held together with duct tape. Audrey made me realize how much I’d missed JAston’s characters. What about you? Audrey was fantastic – I loved her stream-of-consciousness talking and thinking. I had never heard of up-cycling vintage clothing either, but that was so cool […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review: Good Time – Jana Aston

Blogger Wife Chat Review: Good Time – Jana Aston

Good Time was hilarious, don’t you think, Wifey? I was reading on the train back from Zurich this weekend, and I not only laughed out loud, I also snorted. Loudly. So that not only my daughter turned her head to look at me – other people on the train did as well. Payton was so funny – and she didn’t even mean to be, what did you think of her? Omigosh was Good Time hilarious!! I also giggle-snorted and I had to read parts aloud to Hubs because my reactions made him curious. Payton was funny without ever meaning to be. Being in her head, listening to her justify her actions to herself…I don’t know how anyone could NOT love […]

Posted 6 November, 2018 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 11 Comments

#Review: Passion Rising – J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

#Review: Passion Rising – J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

Passion Rising ends the Original Sin series with a bang! And I felt like I got to know the main characters so much better here. Story: For a while in the beginning of Passion Rising, things were going slow – the aftermath of Flesh Into Fire could still be felt. However, Maddie and Tyler finally had room and time to breathe. To slow down. To get to know each other better. They were also able to heal – both physically and emotionally – which is something they both needed. Seeing Maddie and Tyler doing more ‘normal’ stuff made me love them more. And it also helped me get to know them much better. Passion Rising had a lot of passion, […]


Review: Sure Thing – Jana Aston

Review: Sure Thing – Jana Aston

Sure Thing made me laugh out loud more than once, and it also made me swoon. The mix of humour and steaminess was perfectly balanced! Story: Violet steps in for her identical twin, Daisy, for a historical tour at the tour company where she works. At the hotel bar the first evening, Violet decides to try some seducing advice on the sexy stranger across the bar. After reading about a trick of  three seconds of eye-contact, then a smile, she wants to see if it works. And boy, does it work. Soon after, she receives a new drink, and the stranger comes to sit with her. Aston is very good at romcom, she mixes humour and hotness seamlessly, and it […]


Review: Trust – Jana Aston

Review: Trust – Jana Aston

Trust was amazing! The perfect blend of hot, humorous, romantic, sweet, awkward  and just plain fun. Chloe got to me in a big way, just like I knew she would! I have to say that Trust is my favorite in Aston’s Wrong series! Chloe and Boyd were both really relatable characters I could totally believe in! And Aston’s writing voice gets stronger with each book she releases, it’s distinctive and filled with snarky humor, as well as a certain vulnerability that isn’t that common to find in romantic comedies. I already knew Chloe and Boyd a little bit as they showed up in both Wrong and Right, and I have to say that seeing them together made me very happy! […]

Posted 8 November, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 15 Comments

Review: Fling – Jana Aston

Review: Fling – Jana Aston

Fling has Aston’s trademark humor, and I laughed out loud more than once. There was also a very relatable work-place romance, characters I wanted to spend more time with, and some glorious hotness! I had already met Sandra and Gabe, very briefly, in Right by the same author, and I loved seeing what they were up to after Everly’s shenanigans at the New Year’s Party in Fling! Sandra is the kind of efficient administrative assistant I’m sure every boss would like to have! She does have a naughty side, though, but she doesn’t let it out to play at work. Apart from that one time during a quarterly meeting when her best friend, Preston, has changed a quiz about the […]

Posted 31 October, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 16 Comments

Review: Right – Jana Aston

Review: Right – Jana Aston

Right was so much fun to read, and it did give me other feels as well – I have to admit to some tears at one point, even. I loved getting to know Everly better, she’s even more amazing up close and personal than she was as Sophie’s friend in Wrong! I can’t believe how much I laughed while reading Right! Everly is a hoot, and I’d love to be friends with her – especially if I didn’t need her meddling… Because she was very good at meddling in her friends’ lives – it all came from a good place, but the results weren’t always what she anticipated when she started out with her plans. I was already pretty curious […]


Review: Wrong – Jana Aston

Review: Wrong – Jana Aston

Wrong is filled with a lot of humor, a dash of romance, and lot and lots of hot kinkiness. I love Sophie and Luke – even if their relationship was definitely wrong 😉 I didn’t know what to think of Wrong when I read the summary, I already knew Ms. Aston had a great sense of humor and a dirty mind, though, so I was pretty sure I would get some good laughs. And that, I did! I laughed out loud in several instances, and my 13-year-old son asked me why – and I just couldn’t answer. Some things are definitely not for young ears. Sophie was a very quirky heroine, but one I really enjoyed, and that’s really saying […]

Posted 26 October, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 13 Comments