Review: Trust – Jana Aston

Posted 8 November, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 15 Comments

*I received a free copy of Trust from via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Trust – Jana AstonTrust Series: Wrong #3
on 8 November 2016
5 Stars

“Knock knock!”
“Um… Who’s there?”

Yeah. That was me, on my last date. Before you feel sorry for me
you should know that I was the one telling the jokes. Jokes as in
plural, because I didn’t stop with just one. Of course not.

Hi, I’m Chloe Scott. The most awkward single girl in the city.
But I’m going to get it together. I am.

I’m going to learn how to date like a grown up.
I’m going to have an orgasm not given to myself.
I’m going to fall in love and live happily ever after.

Right after I get out of this interrogation room.

Trust was amazing! The perfect blend of hot, humorous, romantic, sweet, awkward  and just plain fun. Chloe got to me in a big way, just like I knew she would!

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I have to say that Trust is my favorite in Aston’s Wrong series! Chloe and Boyd were both really relatable characters I could totally believe in! And Aston’s writing voice gets stronger with each book she releases, it’s distinctive and filled with snarky humor, as well as a certain vulnerability that isn’t that common to find in romantic comedies. I already knew Chloe and Boyd a little bit as they showed up in both Wrong and Right, and I have to say that seeing them together made me very happy! Between Chloe’s online dating troubles (I am so, so thankful I have a partner I want to keep so that I don’t feel like looking for someone – anywhere, really!) and her awkwardness when it comes to spending time with people she wants to impress made her so very realistic. The way she and Boyd met was too funny, as he was an FBI agent who had to question her after arresting her date for counterfeit tickets to a football game…

The other characters I had already come to know and love were very much present in Trust, Sandra, Everly and Sophie were all there, and it was great to see how they were doing after meeting their significant others before Chloe did. Boyd was the perfect guy for Chloe, a little older and more mature than her, and definitely on to her social anxiety that he was able to truly help her with by just letting her take everything one day at a time. There was a definite tenderness between them, just as much as off the charts chemistry and extreme hotness. And the way he kind of played with not going on dates with her so that she wouldn’t be nervous made me love him very much!

As they got to know each other better, Chloe’s knock-knock jokes and other nervous tics made me want to cheer for her – but Boyd did that very well on his own. Written in first person present tense, mostly from Chloe’s perspective but with some chapters from Boyd’s as well, Trust had a very nice pace. The amazing dialogues and one-liners made it even better, and my heart feels very full of both love, tenderness, pride (yeah, I’m proud of Chloe!!) and some chuckles, still. If you’re looking for a romantic comedy that has a lot of action both in and out of the bedroom, as well as characters that are well fleshed out and relatable, this whole series is a must-read!

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

We all stop looking at our menus to look at Sophie. She’s adorable, actually. She looks good pregnant, even if she doesn’t think so. Her stomach is indeed huge – she’s due in less than two weeks – but it looks like she’s got a basketball shoved under her shirt. She’s all limbs and bump.

I’ve been stood up. I’ve been sent dick pics – more unsolicited dick pics than I can count. I mean, what is with that? How does that seem like a good idea? I deleted the first one figuring it was a random loony. After the third one I checked my online dating profile, wondering if I’d somehow checked a box requesting penis pictures. I couldn’t even find an option for that. 

I’ve known I wanted to be a teacher since I was a kid. School was my happy place, my constant no matter what was going on at home. My teachers supported me with kind words and patience and made me feel needed. I couldn’t wait to grow up and be just like them.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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15 responses to “Review: Trust – Jana Aston

  1. Oh, yes, this does sound sweet and fun. I like when the author infuses a comedy piece with an element of depth and feeling so it’s not just funny, but touches me other emotions, too.

    Thanks, Lexxie!

  2. Ailyn Koay

    rom comm long time coming, i haven’t been reading so weeks now! i do want to see her knock knock jokes tho

  3. Trust is my favorite too, Lexxie. Chloe is a girl I can really relate to and I loved how creative Boyd was in dealing with her. 😉 I was sorry to say goodbye to this group of characters but Trust was the perfect way to wrap it all up. I’m so happy you loved it too!
    I hope you’re having a terrific day, wifey! *LOVE & BIG HUGS*
    p.s. We’re review twins today. 😉

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: New Release Review ~ Trust ~ Jana Aston

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