Publisher: Lyrical Press

Review: Wicked Burn – Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Wicked Burn – Rebecca Zanetti

Wicked Burn left me with a ‘holy fast-paced action Batman!’ feeling… my head is practically spinning right now. Story: Simone was framed for treason, as a member of the ruling body of witches, she was powerful, maybe too much so for her own good. However, she was so smart she was able to deal with a lot of things while still preparing for her trial. Nick wanted to save her from the guard, and was taken with her back to Dublin and thus was able to spend more time with her. Alone. Tori and Bear were snatched by the guard as well, and because of this, Tori learned that there were other species than humans in the world – which […]

Posted 14 August, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments

Review: Lessons in Pleasure – Victoria Dahl

Review: Lessons in Pleasure – Victoria Dahl

Lessons In Pleasure shows just how long we have come, as women, since the time at which this novel is set. Well written, hot and passionate – and even with such a short story, the characters were well fleshed out and relatable. Lessons in Pleasure is a novella set in the past, when ladies weren’t supposed to have any sexual pleasure, when men had their needs, and their wives were supposed to close their eyes and think of England. Women who were passionate were seen as eccentric at best – insane at worst, and always, always, men held the keys to their future. James really wanted his wife to like him, but he hadn’t the slightest idea how to make […]
