Genre: Romance

Audio Review ~ Move the Stars ~ Jessica Hawkins

Audio Review ~ Move the Stars ~ Jessica Hawkins

  Move the Stars was a brilliant conclusion to Lake and Manning’s story. (Even if it’s not the end of the story as I found out there’s one more installment.) It’s told in two parts and I appreciated how JHawkins dealt with all that needed dealing with despite the heavy dose of angst she served up in part one. What I admired most of all was that we FINALLY saw Manning emotionally mature to the point he could see past his need to preserve and protect Lake. He found his way to be her loving partner, which is all Lake ever wanted. Part One is told a certain number of years after the fateful decisions made by both Lake and […]

Posted 26 September, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review ~ The Five Stages of Falling in Love ~ Rachel Higginson

Review ~ The Five Stages of Falling in Love ~ Rachel Higginson

I was super excited to read The Five Stages of Falling in Love as it’s a favorite of my friend Lenore’s as well as being by one of her favorite authors. Having never read RHigginson before I had no idea what I was getting into and HOLY WOW! What a read! The five words I’d use to describe The Five Stages of Falling in Love? Riveting Poignant Romantic Heartwarming Beautiful Honestly, I loved everything about this book. There’s just so much gooey goodness to love! I’m going to share my highlights. Liz & Ben’s first meeting. It allowed Ben to see Liz in all her chaotic, hot-mess glory. Seeing Liz trying to coax her 6 year old out of Ben’s […]

Posted 19 September, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 1 Comment

Review ~ Indigo Ridge ~ Devney Perry

Review ~ Indigo Ridge ~ Devney Perry

Indigo Ridge is a book I’ve been meaning to read for…well, I guess since before it released. LOL DPerry shared the first chapter in her newsletter and I was hooked. Lucky for me, my friend Nadene recommended it to me during COYER’s Recommend Me a Book Readathon. Winslow “Win” Covington is new in town, a fact everyone in towns continues to remind her of. Win’s grandpa is the town mayor so she’s spent a good bit of time in Quincy but apparently that doesn’t count. Now she’s not only an outsider but she’s also the new Chief of Police. A woman Chief of Police. Another thing to add to her list of faults. Her first night in town, she stops […]

Posted 15 September, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments

Traveling to the Terminus Audio Review ~ Somebody Else’s Sky ~ Jessica Hawkins

Traveling to the Terminus Audio Review ~ Somebody Else’s Sky ~ Jessica Hawkins

I put off reading Somebody Else’s Sky because HOLY ANGST. Something in the Way, the first book in the series, left me reeling so I was concerned about where Lake and Manning would go from there. Somebody Else’s Sky was just as angsty as I feared it would be. And I loved every minute even if I was yelling aloud at the characters. Somebody Else’s Sky sees Manning, in order to protect Lake, doing time for a crime he didn’t commit. He ensures that Lake understands he doesn’t want her visiting the prison but doesn’t put the same restriction on Tiffany (Lake’s older sister). When Manning is finally released, it’s Tiffany’s arms that welcome him. And while I understood his […]

Posted 13 September, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments

Audio Review ~ Heiress Without a Cause ~ Sara Ramsey

Audio Review ~ Heiress Without a Cause ~ Sara Ramsey

Oh boy did I enjoy Heiress Without a Cause! This is the first installment of the Muses of Mayfair series. Three women, all heiresses, and all essentially on the shelf, have unconventional interests which they engage in. These interests would cause quite the scandal in the ton. 😉 Heiress Without a Cause specifically revolves around Madeleine, who has a love of acting. She’s so talented that she won a role and has been performing on stage under an alias. However, when the theater manager becomes greedy and threatens Madeleine into performing past their agreed timeline, she’s at risk of being ruined. Enter Ferguson, the newly minted Duke of Rothwell. He’s returned to London from exile following his father’s death. He […]

Posted 8 September, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review ~ Sugarcoated ~ Erin Nicholas

Review ~ Sugarcoated ~ Erin Nicholas

Sugarcoated served as my gateway to all things ENicholas and it was a treat. 😉 Her writing style made for easy reading and her characters were engaging. I’m eager to read more from this series. I buddy read Sugarcoated with my friend, Sophia Rose. 😀 What Worked: Plot/Trope As a brother’s best friend/little sister rom-com, I delighted in the setup. Aiden is Zoe’s older brother’s best friend and they grew up together in a small town. When Zoe decides she wants to punch her V-card, she can’t think of anyone she’d be more comfortable with than Aiden. Aiden has other ideas though so he turns her down until he can put his plans in order and deploy them. Unfortunately, part […]

Posted 6 September, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 3 Comments

Audio Review ~ Drowning to Breathe ~ A.L. Jackson

Audio Review ~ Drowning to Breathe ~ A.L. Jackson

After that cliffhanger ending in A Stone in the Sea, I had to dive right into Drowning to Breathe. It was imperative to see if Baz could redeem himself – in my eyes – and whether or not he and Shea had what it took to go the distance. All secrets have been revealed now and Shea and Baz find their pasts intertwined, interconnected in ways they could never have imagined. Now they have to decide if their love is worth fighting for when the elements of their pasts will attempt to use their weaknesses – each other and Callie – against them. I didn’t understand why Shea hadn’t explained her past to Baz before because it was going to […]


New Release Review: Let Me Love You – Scarlett Cole

New Release Review: Let Me Love You – Scarlett Cole

Let Me Love You – or how best friends can lose touch before they can ever become lovers… Let Me Love You is Chaya and Ben’s story (<i>finally!! </i>) 🙂 These characters have been best friends forever, and everybody but them realized that there was more than friendship to their relationship. It’s not meant to be, though. Because Chaya knows she wants to stay true to her religion, and thus marry someone of the same faith. That can never be Ben. As Chaya meets a man who is her ideal man in all ways, she and Ben grow apart. It seems that nothing can bring them back together. Then, someone close to them both has a health problem, and somehow, […]

Posted 30 August, 2022 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review ~ Broken Records ~ Bree Bennett

Review ~ Broken Records ~ Bree Bennett

Broken Records. WOW. This book made quite the impression on me. My friend, Lorna, recommended it, saying she’d put it on her favorite rock star romances of all-time. High praise. And after finishing it, much deserved. Broken Records is unique in the rock star romance genre, with more mature characters and much less after-concert partying, but Lucy and Jack wormed their way into my heart. I love them! Lucy has recently relocated to NYC. She’s a…wait for it…technical writer (my career in my previous life) and she’s running from or hiding from something. She’s also neurodiverse…on the spectrum. Her inability to deal with an overload of sensory input – too many people, too much light or sound – made her […]


Audio Review ~ A Stone in the Sea ~ A.L. Jackson

Audio Review ~ A Stone in the Sea ~ A.L. Jackson

I read A Stone in the Sea as part of Brandee & Linda’s Excellent Reading Challenge Adventure challenge – Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge. It’s been a sec since I read ALJackson and while I’d forgotten that her books lean toward melodrama, I did enjoy meeting Shea, Callie, and Sebastian “Baz”. Shea is a young woman doing her best to raise her young daughter on her own. She’s living in Savannah, a place that’ll always be home due to her fondest childhood memories being wrapped up in this city. Her grandma and her grandma’s home, which she inherited, offer her comfort and safety. Shea is kind and loving but not really living life fully – not as a young woman should. […]
