Icon Tag: Realistic Fiction

Review: What Was Mine – Helen Klein Ross

Review: What Was Mine – Helen Klein Ross

What Was Mine was a strong story, touching on a very difficult subject, made even more difficult because it followed the baby who was kidnapped, her biological mother, and the woman who raised her (after kidnapping her). There were a lot of things I really enjoyed in What Was Mine, and one of them was that the author actually managed to make me understand, and partly even feel sorry for, Lucy. After years of trying to get pregnant, Lucy’s husband decided their lives were just fine without a child, whereas Lucy continued to long for a baby with everything she had! This difference of opinion ended their marriage, and Lucy lived alone in their house in New Jersey for a […]

Posted 22 January, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Firsts – Laurie Elizabeth Flynn

Review: Firsts – Laurie Elizabeth Flynn

Firsts is an emotional read, told from Mercedes’ point of view. Mercy keeps everyone she knows at arms’ length, and wants to be in control. As the story unfolds, it becomes very clear why that is, and my heart broke for her. The ending was a little ‘too easy’ for me, wrapped up too nicely for such a dark and gritty story. Mercy’s story in Firsts is one of an abandoned teen, where after her father left, her mother more or less checked out, and she was left to tend for herself with the strangest parental guidance I have ever read about. Kim, Mercy’s mom, was more interested in how Mercy dressed – for success with the boys – than anything […]
