Author: Victoria Dahl

Review: Lessons in Pleasure – Victoria Dahl

Review: Lessons in Pleasure – Victoria Dahl

Lessons In Pleasure shows just how long we have come, as women, since the time at which this novel is set. Well written, hot and passionate – and even with such a short story, the characters were well fleshed out and relatable. Lessons in Pleasure is a novella set in the past, when ladies weren’t supposed to have any sexual pleasure, when men had their needs, and their wives were supposed to close their eyes and think of England. Women who were passionate were seen as eccentric at best – insane at worst, and always, always, men held the keys to their future. James really wanted his wife to like him, but he hadn’t the slightest idea how to make […]


Review: Too Hot to Handle – Victoria Dahl

Review: Too Hot to Handle – Victoria Dahl

Too Hot to Handle is a complex story of finding oneself, realizing all of one’s potentials and possibly finding love along the way as well. I briefly got to meet Merry in Close Enough to Touch, and I was instantly curious about her. A strong woman, but one who has been put down more often than not, Merry has changed jobs many times, but she is set on making it in Jackson. Both because her best friend Grace lives there now, and because she’s gotten the dream-job in restoring a ghost town just outside of Jackson. Too Hot to Handle shows a lot of the changes Merry goes through, and some of those changes are in part thanks to her […]


Review: Harlot – Victoria Dahl

Review: Harlot – Victoria Dahl

Harlot was a very short, hot story, and I think it was a little too short. The story was a bit rushed, and the characters were not exactly complex. Harlot is a good story, and it especially shows how it was difficult for women to be empowered and take charge of their own lives and destinies in the past. When Jessica’s father died and left her with only debts, she didn’t know what to do. The house would have to be sold, as would most of her other possessions. Caleb had been gone for two years already, and she hadn’t heard from him in a long time, and had to find a way to get through this on her own. […]


Review: Close Enough to Touch – Victoria Dahl

Review: Close Enough to Touch – Victoria Dahl

I loved Close Enough to Touch, both because I found the characters to be so compelling, and because the story was very touching! My Close Enough to Touch review: Grace is one of those prickly characters who prefers being angry rather than show anyone that she is vulnerable and maybe a bit fragile. And I fell in love with her from the beginning, because she was a fighter all the way. She fought against having friends, loving other people, Cole, her sexy cowboy neighbor, and just life in general. And while my life has been nothing like hers, I could relate to her, and I just wanted her to find a way to at least be content. Close Enough to […]

Posted 15 December, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 23 Comments

Review: Taking the Heat – Victoria Dahl

Review: Taking the Heat – Victoria Dahl

When I chatted with Victoria at RT15, she told me that her Taking the Heat story featured a 26 year-old virgin, and I slightly winced at that… however, she totally pulled it off! Veronica was an amazing heroine, and Gabe of the hot oral-sex made me fluttery, and all hot and bothered just by reading about him! My Taking the Heat review: Holy fuckballs (yeah, this is totally stolen from Victoria Dahl’s newsletter!!) Gabe and Veronica made my kindle fume, and Victoria’s words made me miss my husband so much!! Like, I would have totally jumped him (several times) during that read. Scorching hot, with amazing characters, Taking the Heat was the perfect ending to the Jackson: Girls Night Out series. […]


Review: Flirting with Disaster – Victoria Dahl

Review: Flirting with Disaster – Victoria Dahl

Sexy and hot, Flirting with Disaster has some great characters, mystery and a lot of romance. My Flirting with Disaster review: Flirting with Disaster incorporated everything I love in a contemporary romance novel! Dahl truly outdid herself with this story. The characters are mature, Isabelle is thirty-six years old, and Tom is a little older than her. Isabelle’s best friend Jill is lesbian, and it’s only mentioned because Jill and her girlfriend had recently broken up. Safe sex is very sexy in Flirting with Disaster, and that always makes me so very happy, condoms, are important and it is sexy to take good care of yourself and your partner! There is also mystery, Isabelle is living under an assumed name, […]

Posted 26 January, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 15 Comments

Review: Looking for Trouble – Victoria Dahl

Review: Looking for Trouble – Victoria Dahl

*I received a free ARC of Looking for Trouble from Harlequin HQN via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* Hot, different and a little kinky, Looking for Trouble was definitely a fun ride! My Looking for Trouble review: Sophie and Alex both really surprised me as characters! They were nothing at all like they seemed, and that made Looking for Trouble an amazing read! Alex sports a shaved head, a huge motorcycle and lots of tattoos, but he really is a sweet and stand-up guy. Sophie on the other hand looks very demure in her long skirts and buttoned-up cardigans, but what she hides underneath her librarian clothing is utterly sexy and a little  kinky! Looking for Trouble is […]

Posted 9 September, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments

Review: Fanning the Flames – Victoria Dahl

Review: Fanning the Flames – Victoria Dahl

*I received a free ARC of Fanning the Flames from Harlequin HQN via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* Short, hot and well written, Fanning the Flames appealed to me on all levels, from the mature couple to their playful ways. My Fanning the Flames review: It is actually really refreshing to read a hot romance in which the couple is more mature! Fanning the Flames features Lauren, the forty-three year-old librarian who has the hots for the firemen chief Jake who is forty-six. Their chemistry and attraction is evident from the beginning, and I really loved how self-confident Lauren was, even if she did kind of think Jake was out of her league. Happy in her own skin, […]

Posted 26 August, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 8 Comments

Review: Turn up the Heat – Lori Foster, Victoria Dahl and Christie Ridgway

Review: Turn up the Heat – Lori Foster, Victoria Dahl and Christie Ridgway

*I received a free ARC of Turn up the Heat from Harlequin HQN via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* Turn up the Heat is an anthology of hot contemporary love stories written by Lori Foster, Victoria Dahl and Christie Ridgway. The stories are long enough to make you sizzle and get a good feel for the characters, but short enough that you can read them in a day. Turn up the Heat first features Lori Foster’s Love Won’t Wait, and wow, Brick and Merrily are both hot! They are also very likable and fun characters that I would love to read more about. Merrily has just moved to town, and she has some things in her past that […]
