Review: With a Twist – Sawyer Bennett

Posted 5 May, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: With a Twist – Sawyer BennettWith a Twist by Sawyer Bennett
Series: Last Call #4
Published by Big Dog Books on 6 January 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 322
Format: eARC
Source: Kindle Purchase
5 Stars

Wyatt Banks is ready to give one woman the world. Unfortunately, his job as a cop tends to interfere with other goals. When Wyatt is sent deep undercover to investigate a sex slave ring, he doesn’t have time to do anything but focus on staying alive in a dark and dangerous underworld.

Wyatt isn’t alone though in his quest to save the women that are being sold into sexual slavery.

His partner, FBI Agent Andrea Somerville, is immersed just as deeply as he is, and she’s the bait to lure the sex slavers out into the open, as she poses as an erotic dancer in an attempt to snare the enemy. But danger runs as high as the sparks between them, and now Wyatt is caught between the job he loves and the woman he wants.

With a Twist follows Wyatt on an undercover assignment, and the work is really difficult! Andrea, the hot FBI agent both makes Wyatt’s work harder and easier, as she is set up to be the next woman to disappear from the club where they are trying to dismantle an illegal operation. Again, some editing issues – but not enough to snap me out of the story.

My With a Twist review:

Wyatt was the cop friend on the sidelines in the other books in the Last Call series, and he definitely needed his own story! With a Twist definitely has some twists and turns, as Wyatt went undercover in a club where there were suspicions of human trafficking. At the beginning, he had to infiltrate the operation, and that worked really well for him. However, he was unable to figure out what happened with the girls who disappeared never to be seen again. Then, enter Andrea, the FBI agent who was able to complete her college degree without a dime in loans thanks to working in a strip-club to make ends meet.

With two undercover agents at the club, things definitely started to make more sense, and With a Twist became a dark, twisted tale where both Andrea and Wyatt could lose everything if they were discovered. Both of them had to do things that went completely against their own morals, but they were set on busting this ring, and making sure no other women would be taken against their will to basically be sex slaves until their ‘owners’ became sick of them.

As the story unfolded, the excitement was tangible, as was the amazing chemistry between Andrea and Wyatt. With a Twist kept me on the edge of my seat, both with the suspense and with the hot romance that was completely forbidden because of the situation they were in. Written in first person present tense, there are chapters from both Wyatt’s and Andrea’s perspectives, and I loved getting to know both of them. Once their work was completed, though, everything was up in the air as to what they would now do with their personal connection.

Some of my favorite With a Twist quotes:

I look around at all my friends gathered here to wish me well… to tell me goodbye. Fuck, I’m going to miss them. The whole crazy lot of them. I have no clue when I’ll be able to return.

“Raze… there’s a drunk douche up in VIP Room Number Two who won’t take no for an answer. Not sure why Misty is telling him ‘no’ but go get a handle on it,” Lance Portman says as he grips my shoulder to help get my attention over the thumping music. Luckily, the name Raze comes completely natural to me now, and I think if someone actually called me Wyatt, I wouldn’t react very quickly.

She clearly had the same feelings I was having, yet this woman was far braver than I ever was.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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10 responses to “Review: With a Twist – Sawyer Bennett

  1. I like that Bennett set a steamy story against a relevant topic such as human trafficking. Gah! I really need to read this series, Lexxie. Perhaps I’ll pick it up next week? 😉 I just flipped over to my Attending Authors page and saw Ms. Bennett will be there. My list of must-see authors is growing by the hour! 🙂

    Happy Tuesday, my friend. ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!! *jumping up & down* Enjoy your day! **BIG HUGS**

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