Review : Why Do Dukes Fall in Love – Megan Frampton

Posted 2 August, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 12 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review : Why Do Dukes Fall in Love – Megan FramptonWhy Do Dukes Fall in Love Series: Dukes Behaving Badly #4
on 26 July 2017
Pages: 371
4.5 Stars

Michael, the Duke of Hadlow, has the liberty of enjoying an indiscretion . . . or several. But when it comes time for him to take a proper bride, he ultimately realizes he wants only one woman: Edwina Cheltam. He’d hired her as his secretary, only to quickly discover she was sensuous and intelligent.
They embark on a passionate affair, and when she breaks it off, he accepts her decision as the logical one . . . but only at first. Then he decides to pursue her.
Michael is brilliant, single-minded, and utterly indifferent to being the talk of the ton. It’s even said his only true friend is his dog. Edwina had begged him to marry someone appropriate–—someone aristocratic . . . someone high-born . . . someone else. But the only thing more persuasive than a duke intent on seduction is one who has fallen irrevocably in love.

Why Do Dukes Fall in Love was an absolute delight. It was impossible to not fall head-first in love with Mrs. Chelsam and His Grace! They were awesome, I loved their tongue-in-cheek humor, their loyalty, their intelligence and their steamy romance!

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews


A duke who hires a female secretary is unconventional to say the least, and I love unconventional historical romances. Why Do Dukes Fall in Love was a fun story, with some intrigue and suspense, and a lot of slow, hot romance. I loved that a capable woman got a chance to take care of herself and her daughter – and still have some love in her life.


Edwina was a widow, left with her young daughter, and not much else. She really had to work, and she definitely had experience in keeping an office in order and taking care of the numbers. Michael didn’t really care much who his secretary was, as long as the work got done, and he didn’t have to spend too much time finding one.

Writing Style:

Why Do Dukes Fall in Love is written in third person point of view, with a good insight to both Edwina and Michael. There are also a lot of dialogues, and the humor had me laugh out loud more than once.


I went through all the feels with Why Do Dukes Fall in Love, I was happy, afraid, sad, angry and hopeful at different points of the story.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

But he wouldn’t be noticing her beauty, not in a longing way, if he hadn’t first recognized her intelligence. He had seen plenty of lovely women before, but non of them intrigued him as she did – the rare, likely unique, combination of appearance and intelligence was one that hit him in a way he’d never experienced before.

Why didn’t people just come out and say what they wanted him to say instead of making him work for it?

There would be too many disreputable men willing to take advantage of a lady in a precarious position, even if the lady in question had an honest desire to take and keep a position.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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12 responses to “Review : Why Do Dukes Fall in Love – Megan Frampton

  1. I love a good historical romance that can make me laugh. Megan Frampton isn’t an author I’ve tried before, but this sounds really good! I’m especially curious about that Edwina’s character. She sounds great!

  2. Braine

    A dude who can appreciate a woman’s brains over her face and figure. Winner!! I understand why this gave you great feels

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