Review: Walk Through Fire – Kristen Ashley

Posted 27 October, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 28 Comments

*I received a free copy of Walk Through Fire from Forever via Netgalley. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Walk Through Fire – Kristen AshleyWalk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley
Series: Chaos #4
Published by Forever on 27 October 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 624
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley
5 Stars

Millie Cross knows what it's like to burn for someone. She was young and wild and he was fierce and even wilder-a Chaos biker who made her heart pound. They fell in love at first sight and life was good, until she learned she couldn't be the woman he needed and made it so he had no choice but to walk away. Twenty years later, Millie's chance run-in with her old flame sparks a desire she just can't ignore. And this time, she won't let him ride off . . .

Bad boy Logan "High" Judd has seen his share of troubles with the law. Yet it was a beautiful woman who broke him. After ending a loveless marriage, High is shocked when his true love walks back into his life. Millie is still gorgeous, but she's just a ghost of her former self. High's intrigued at the change, but her betrayal cut him deep-and he doesn't want to get burned again. As High sinks into meting out vengeance for Millie's betrayal, he'll break all over again when he realizes just how Millie walked through fire for her man . . .

Walk Through Fire is yet another huge win from Kristen Ashley! The characters, as always, were amazing, and I loved that the main characters were in the forties, still hot for each other, and so open with their feelings. There were some pretty dark times for them, but lots of light and love as well.

My Walk Through Fire review:

First of all, let me tell you Kristen Ashley certainly knows how to write the smoking hot sexy scenes! I melted when I was reading about Logan and Millie getting it on, in every way! From the little touches, the looks, the beautiful words Logan said to his old lady, and how explosive they were together. The characters completely made the story, and they made it great.

That being said, I was a little dubious in the beginning, especially just after Millie and Logan met again, after twenty years apart. Walk Through Fire was all about what Millie was willing to do to ensure at least one of them got the dream, but she continued walking through the fire afterwards as well. And Logan was very intimidating at first, strong, stalking, going after Millie – both to get some kind of revenge, and also because he just couldn’t stay away from her. Frankly, I wasn’t sure I was going to ever warm up to him, but when I did, I did so all the way!

Written mostly from Millie’s point of view, and her parts in first person past tense, but also with parts from other characters perspective, then in third person past tens, Walk Through Fire is a well-paced story, where the plot and the sub-plots made me feel all the feels! Millie especially really, really got to me. What she was ready to sacrifice for love was so huge she practically lived a half-life, and she truly deserved to get another shot at it all.

Another thing I really enjoyed in Walk Through Fire was the fact that Logan had two girls, and that it was difficult for them to adjust to Millie, especially for the youngest. It made the story so realistic to me, because it’s never easy for a child to give up on the dream of having their family back together, even if things weren’t perfect when their parents were still actually married.

If you’re a fan of Ashley, you are going to love this! And if you haven’t read her yet, you should definitely start – her stories are character-driven, with strong female characters who are not afraid to go after what they want and need, and both the friendships and the romantic relationship are very well done.

Some of my favorite Walk Through Fire quotes:

Since Logan Judd, I had not had a boyfriend.
I had not had a lover.
Not in twenty years. 
He was it for me and those pictures showed why.
I met my perfect man at age eighteen and I had him for three years.
Then I sent him away.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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28 responses to “Review: Walk Through Fire – Kristen Ashley

  1. Oh my goodness! I only read the first line of your review and I can’t read anymore because you know why. I can’t wait to read this one! Another huge win? Yay, and of course it was, but yay. I’m fangirl-rambling here.

    Robyn Jones recently posted: Grit
  2. I have read the first two books and really enjoyed them. But I do need to get back on track with the series. What I love is how she handles her stories. Glad to see you enjoyed this one so much.

  3. I really need to read more of her books. I really enjoyed Rock Chick and I have book 2 but I still need to read it! After that I’ll have to try her others novels, they all look good!

  4. Struggling with this one. I find that she could have told him her secret and saved them years of heart ache. My husband and I have kind of chewed this subject through and if she really loved him, honestly there were other options so it’s like meh… Instead she put him through a ringer and it turns out he probably would have taken it better than she thought.

    • I get what you mean, Lily, and I wouldn’t have made the same choice as Millie. However, I could still kind of understand where she was coming from. I think the way we identify (or not) with the character’s choices is one of the great things about reading! I hope you’ll be able to finish it, but if not, I can totally understand that, too.

  5. Omigosh…that quote, Lexxie. Just that gutted me. I, of course, am thrilled that this was another win for you. But I’m not surprised as you *know* I love me some KA. Actually I love anything KA. I’m hoping to get started on this one this week or next. 😀 Denise just finished it and was telling me was crying like in the first chapter. So… Yeah, you’re both killing me. 😉 But in a good way. *hehe*
    **BIG HUGS**

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