Review: Sworn to Protect – Katie Reus

Posted 3 July, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments

*I received a free copy of Sworn to Protect from KR Press LLC via Netgalley. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Review: Sworn to Protect – Katie ReusSworn to Protect by Katie Reus
Published by KR Press LLC on 7 July 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Pages: 204
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley

3 Stars

His worst mistake was walking away from her…

Quinn Brody ended things with sweet, sexy Athena when he learned she was a virgin. Their relationship was getting too serious and walking away seemed like the best plan. But Quinn has never been able to forget Athena. And when she gets a marketing job at Red Stone Security, it becomes impossible. Quinn wants a second chance, but Athena's not interested—even if the chemistry between them is off the charts.

Now his past has come back to haunt him…

The man Quinn put behind bars has been released from prison and is out for blood. Quinn took years of the man’s life and helped his abused wife flee so now the ex-con is hellbent on using Athena to make Quinn pay.

He’ll do anything to protect her…

When Athena is sent to Vegas for a tradeshow Quinn volunteers to accompany her—to watch her back. But professional quickly turns personal when the threat to Athena escalates. Refusing to lose her again, Quinn will do anything to save her. Even if it means risking both his life and his heart.

Sworn to Protect is a fast-paced contemporary romantic suspense, and the characters were quite enticing.

My Sworn to Protect review:

Sworn to Protect takes the readers back into Red Stone Security, with the hunky men and capable women who are a part of this universe. Athena was a great character to follow, strong-minded, smart and decisive, I enjoyed her both when it came to her work and her personal life. Quinn was seemingly the strong and quiet type, especially in the beginning. When he let up a little, he was pretty great too, though. The interactions between the friends and family working together at Red Stone Security were great, their easy camaraderie made me want to go work with them.

The suspense and mystery part of Sworn to Protect had to do with Quinn’s past, when he had done the right thing to help a woman who was married to a wife-beater. The man, however, happened to be Quinn’s supervisor with the police force, and when he got out of prison, he wanted one thing: revenge! What better way to get revenge on Quinn than to steal his woman away from him, right? He hadn’t thought about Athena maybe not being Quinn’s woman though, nor had he realized that she was quite good at observing people, recognizing them, and standing up for herself.

Both the relationship between Quinn and Athena, which had a second chance after she started her new job, and the way each of them felt confident and strong  made Sworn to Protect a good read! And I loved the way the mystery unfolded, apart from the very end, where I thought the final showdown was a little bit too easy. Overall Sworn to Protect is a solid romantic suspense, and it’s a fairly quick read. Written in third person past tense, but also giving the readers access to the characters’ inner thoughts, it was well executed and had a nice pace and flow.

Some of my favorite Sworn to Protect quotes:

Athena wasn’t sure what Quinn’s expression was because she’d decided to do the mature thing – and studiously ignore him.

Sweet Lord the man looked divine. Best. Suit. Porn. Ever.

What was up with him? She didn’t do hot and cold so during this little lunch she was going to make sure he understood they were just going to be friends. Not that she particularly wanted to be friends with hime, even though she did genuinely like him.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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