Review: Sweet Surrendering – Chelsea M. Cameron

Posted 11 September, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 7 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Sweet Surrendering – Chelsea M. CameronSweet Surrendering by Chelsea M. Cameron
Series: Surrender Saga #1
Published by All Night Reads on 15 October 2014
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotica
Pages: 364
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley
4 Stars

She’s his boss. He doesn’t care. This office isn’t big enough for the two of them…

When Rory Clarke ends up hiring the guy she spent one steamy night with to be her administrative assistant, she's determined to keep things professional.

Lucas Blaine has other plans for her. He wants Rory, and it’s hard to resist his stunning blue eyes, chin dimple and the way he fills out a suit. Everywhere she looks, there he is, giving her a panty-melting smile and pulling her away for the most amazing (and satisfying) sex she’s ever had in her life.

What starts off as one sexual encounter turns into multiple trysts in and out of the office and the lines she’d tried to draw so carefully are blurring. But the closer they get, the more Rory realizes that there are things about Lucas she doesn’t know, things he’s hiding from her. She’ll have to decide if she can surrender to her feelings or get out while she still can.

*I received a free ARC of Sweet Surrendering from All Night Reads via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review*

Sweet Surrendering is hot, intriguing and filled with humor and great friendships!

My Sweet Surrendering review:

I’m not normally a huge fan of office romances, but I have enjoyed several of Ms. Cameron’s contemporary romance novels in the past, so I figured I’d give Sweet Surrendering a try. And I’m really happy I did! Rory is an awesome heroine, funny, intelligent, confident, sexy and embracing the power she has as vice president of her company. Lucas is great, too, with all his secrets, his chin-dimple, his sexy wink and the way he works hard to make Rory’s life a little easier. I also loved Rory’s friends Sloane, Chloe and Marisol, because a girl needs great friends, it makes her much more balanced in every part of her life.

Rory is a character I enjoyed straight away, her dad owns the company she works for, but she knows she’s worked to get to the VP position. And she has no qualms about being hard on other employees when that’s needed. In need of a new assistant, she is all ready to bite one guy’s head off when he shows off unannounced just to deliver his resumé, without an appointment. But there is something about him that makes her show him to a conference room and conduct an interview right then. Not one to let her feelings rule her world, Rory has no clue what to do about her reaction to Lucas, especially because he’s totally flirting with her.

After meeting him by chance when she’s out for drinks with her girl-friends, she ends up going home with him, and in the end she also hires him as her new assistant. Even if there’s a very strict no-dating policy. And they can’t keep their eyes off each other. And I think this is why I loved Sweet Surrendering. First of all, the woman was boss. Which I thought was truly awesome. And she takes this chance on hiring a guy she has the hots for, thinking it’ll just go away. Of course it doesn’t but it made for some very humorous situations, both at work and other places. This is also why I gave the story four star and not five – because sexual harassment is serious business, and even if they were both willing, it was treated a little lightly because they were joking about it quite a bit. That being said, I enjoyed myself a lot while reading anyway.

The mix of sexual tension, secrets, hard work, great friends and office politics was very well done, and the characters were well rounded out and I don’t even really care who the next Surrender Saga will be about, I want to read it! Written in first person point of view, past tense, Sweet Surrender helped me get to know Rory very well. The writing is really good, and there was a good balance in the action both in and out of the bedroom.

Some of my favorite Sweet Surrendering quotes:

Being the boss’ daughter didn’t help either. People either thought I was an entitled airhead, or were so scared of me they couldn’t speak. All three of my interviews had been some variation of those two themes. 

“We don’t have to actually do anything. Just make sure they sit next to each other. The God of Love will do the rest.” “The God of Love? We talking the Greek or Roman one?” “The American one. Alcohol.” Another point well made.

“Oh my God, it’s like zombie cheesecake,” I said, rinsing my mouth out as he made the most hilarious faces I’d ever seen. “Zombie cheesecake?” “Like cheesecake that died, was buried and then rose again form the dead.” I shuddered and stared at the offending cheesecake.

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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7 responses to “Review: Sweet Surrendering – Chelsea M. Cameron

    • There was all of that, Red Iza 🙂 Hotness, humor, girlfriends, and it was well written.

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a terrific Thursday.

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