Review: Mystery Man – Kristen Ashley

Posted 20 September, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 9 Comments

Review: Mystery Man – Kristen AshleyMystery Man Series: Mystery Man #1
on 11 December 2011
Pages: 512
4 Stars

Night time is the right time...
Gwendolyn Kidd has met the man of her dreams. He's hot, he's sexy, and what started as a no-names-exchanged night of passion has blossomed into a year and a half-long pleasure fest. Sure, it's a little strange that he only appears in her bed at night, but Gwen is so sure he's the one, she just can't turn him away...
Hawk Delgado knows more about Gwen than she could ever imagine. She's gorgeous, headstrong, and skittish about relationships. But Hawk is facing his own demons, demons that keep him from connecting with anyone. Yet when Gwen is drawn into Denver's lethal underground scene, Hawk's protective nature comes out full force. The problem is, when Gwen gets a dose of Hawk's Alpha attitude in the daylight, she's not so sure he's the one anymore....

Mystery Man is classic KA! Very, very alpha male, lots of humour, love, suspense and squishy heart on my part…

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews


There is so much going on in Mystery Man, some of it good, some of it bad, some of it ugly – all of it pretty amazing. Once I got over Hawk’s bossiness and Gwen’s waffling, I fell in love with them both. And as always, Ashley brought out the big guns when it comes to turns of phrases that made my heart turn over!

Gwen’s sister was so much trouble, and she didn’t seem to care that she put her family in danger with her antics. Good thing that Gwen was on a lot of hot, alpha-men’s radar. And they were willing and ready to bend over backwards to keep her safe. Which led to some stand-offs that had me laughing really hard.


Gwen is a whimsical book editor, she daydreams about love with a capital L, which is why some of her decisions might be poor. However, she totally brings her A-game when she needs to.
Cabe ‘Hawk’ is a bossy alpha man, and while I wanted to throttle him at times, he was also incredibly sweet. And hot. And cuddly.
Gwen’s cosmo friends and Hawk’s commando, as well as some well known characters from both the Chaos series and the Rock Chick series showed up, and I was in heaven.

Writing style :

First person past tense worked very well for Mystery Man, and most of the story is from Gwen’s point of view. There are a lot of dialogues, too, though, as well as some scenes that I felt like I saw from afar.

Feels :

*sighs* There were definitely feels. I was mad at Hawk for parts of the books, even when I kind of understood him. I did love him, though. Gwen also frustrated me a little at times, because she acted a bit clueless about certain things. Most of all, though, I felt both the suspense and the love. And I thoroughly enjoyed the friendships between the various characters, as well as the strong relationship Gwen had with her parents.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

And I had a house I was fixing up. Therefore, I needed to get paid. Okay, that wasn’t strictly true. I wasn’t fixing up my house. My dad did some of the work. My friend Troy did the rest. So I should say that I had a house I was guilting, begging and emotionally blackmailing others into fixing up.

His grin got bigger. Then he let me go but slid my purse off my arm and before I could make a peep, he dug into it. I decided to let him have at it. He’d already touched me and I wasn’t certain I wanted that to happen again. I wasn’t certain what my response would be but I was certain that jumping his bones was high up on the list of possibles.

I glared up at him. He smiled down at me, with dimples. Shit, I liked those dimples. Time to get to work.

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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9 responses to “Review: Mystery Man – Kristen Ashley

  1. This was my first Kristen Ashley book and it nearly drove me insane with this couple’s antics. That opening with her ‘mystery man’ lover in the bedroom was just nuts and both of them had over the top behavior going on.
    But yes, I loved it too and obviously went on to read the rest of this series and more. 🙂

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