Review: My Kind of Wonderful – Jill Shalvis

Posted 4 December, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 17 Comments

*I received a free copy of My Kind of Wonderful from Forever via Netgalley. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: My Kind of Wonderful – Jill ShalvisMy Kind of Wonderful by Jill Shalvis
Series: Cedar Ridge #2
Published by Forever on 22 December 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley

5 Stars


Bailey Moore has an agenda: skiing in the Rockies, exploring castles in Europe, ballroom dancing in Argentina. Now that she has a second lease on life, she's determined not to miss a thing. What she doesn't realize is that item #1 comes with a six-foot-one ski god hot enough to melt a polar ice cap. She doesn't want to miss out on him either, but Hudson Kincaid isn't the type of guy to love and let go. And as gorgeous as Cedar Ridge is, she's not planning to stick around.

As head of ski patrol at his family's resort, Hud thinks he's seen it all. But never has he run into someone like Bailey. She might look delicate, but her attitude is all firecracker. And her infectious joy touches something deep within him that he's been missing far too long. Now he'll just have to convince Bailey to take a chance on her biggest adventure yet . . . something rare and all kinds of wonderful.

My Kind of Wonderful is one of those stories that keeps you up way too late at night, while you laugh, cry, shiver and swoon alongside the characters.

My My Kind of Wonderful review:

There is really no wonder why Shalvis is one of my top go-to authors for contemporary romance, she always manages to write a story that touches me deeply, with characters that are strong but flawed, and where I want to cheer them on, or give them a little push to help them make a decision – the right decision. In My Kind of Wonderful, Bailey and Hudson feel the chemistry between them from the start, but they both decide that acting on that attraction is a very bad idea. When they first meet, Bailey is stuck at the top of the mountain, knowing she cannot possibly ski back down, and Hudson on ski patrol is there to save her. Their witty banter doesn’t stop from that point on.

Hudson’s mother, who is not always in the real world, thinking her sons are still young boys, is strangely apt at meddling when it comes to the attraction between Hudson and Bailey. And this also brings some very humorous moments to the story that are very sad and heart-breaking at the same time, especially when she is clear-eyed and a little pushy in one moment, and just as Hudson tries to push the subject, she says something about him having to do his homework. Bailey has a mother and an ex-fiancé who are both trying to direct her life for her, just as they were used to doing when she was too sick to do what she wanted herself.

My Kind of Wonderful is really about letting go of the past, of grabbing life with both hands, and enjoying the moment. I loved how strong Bailey was, both when it came to do the things she had on her list, and when it had to do with facing her demons and standing strong in the face of adversity. Hudson was the kind of man that it’s difficult to find outside of romance novels – complex, loving, loyal, hard-working, romantic, strong, sexy… And when he turned his full attention to Bailey, I was happy to be sitting down, as I got very weak in the knees.

Written in third person point of view, past tense, the story unfolded at a very nice pace, and as Bailey and Hudson got to know each other, they both became even more irresistible to me. Shalvis is a master when it comes to contemporary romance, and she managed to make My Kind of Wonderful the perfect story with enough anguish to never let me know for sure if there would be a happily ever after, strong feelings and family members who only wanted what was best for the main characters. If you’re wondering what you should ask for as a Christmas present, don’t wonder anymore – add this book to your list for Santa!

Some of my favorite My Kind of Wonderful quotes:

Hudson. She couldn’t tell for sure of course, but the set to his shoulders reminded her of him. And then there was the way her heart started pounding. She had no idea what this odd hyper-awareness of him meant, but she was hoping it was nothing but simple orgasm withdrawal. Because orgasm withdrawal she could handle on her own. Probably. Maybe.

But it was more too. She’d seen the way he was with his mom. Genuine. Loyal. Fiercely protective. Not muted.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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17 responses to “Review: My Kind of Wonderful – Jill Shalvis

  1. Lexxie, everything you said in your review has me eager to read this book, but especially the part about letting go of the past, grabbing life with both hands… Yeah, I like stories with that message. And Bailey and Hudson showing me that message sounds delightful! I know I keep saying I’m going to read Shalvis, but I mean it. I really am! 😉
    Hope you’re having a fabulous Friday!! **BIG HUGS**

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: #ShelfLove Review ~ Penmort Castle ~ Kristen Ashley
    • Ha! I know what I’ll get you for Christmas, Brandee 😀 That would be a good way to force your hand when it comes to Shalvis, right? I love her books so much! I really hope I’ll be able to meet her at a conference one time, because I’m sure it’d be fun to hang out with her a little.
      My classes are over for today, so the weekend has officially started – which makes my Friday fabulous, of course 😀 *BIG HUGS*

  2. I’ve only read two books by this author, but she’s quickly becoming one of my favourite contemporary romance authors already, I love how she writes her books. The scenes with Hudosn’s mom where so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. I thought Bailey and Hudosn were great characters and I loved their banter and seeing them grow closer. And I think you summed it up pretty well with how this book is about letting go of the past and grabbing life with both hands.Great review Lexie!

  3. oh I love the sound of Hudson . This sounds like a perfect read for this time of year. I have not read any holiday romances or winter romances, and to be honest, I have not read anything by her either. But I loved a good romance and character banter.

  4. I am so behind in my commenting. Sorry. I have never read this author but I see her books everywhere. One day I really should try one because you make this one sound so good 🙂

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