Review: Lord of Chance – Erica Ridley

Posted 24 May, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments

*I received a free copy of Lord of Chance from via Netgalley. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Review: Lord of Chance – Erica RidleyLord of Chance Series: Rogues to Riches #1
on 11 April 2017
Pages: 300
4.5 Stars

Disguised as a country miss, Charlotte Devon flees London, desperate to leave her tattered reputation behind. In Scotland, her estranged father’s noble blood will finally make her a respectable debutante. Except she finds herself accidentally wed to a devil-may-care rogue with a sinful smile. He’s the last thing she needs…and everything her traitorous heart desires.
Charming rake Anthony Fairfax is on holiday to seek his fortune…and escape his creditors. When an irresistible Lady Luck wins him in a game of chance—and a slight mishap has them leg-shackled by dawn—the tables have finally turned in his favor. But when past demons catch up to them, holding on to new love will mean destroying their dreams forever.

Lord of Chance is a fantastic start to Ridley’s new historical romance series. I loved both Charlotte and Anthony, their vulnerabilities were so well hidden they hardly even noticed them anymore themselves.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Lord of Chance showed the backside of the ton, of how it was to try to live up to the ideals of people who could change their mind on a whim. Anthony had fled London for Scotland to escape his creditors. An inveterate card-player, he owed much more than he could win back in time to escape jail. Charlotte was looking for an elusive laird, the one who had left his mother behind before he knew she was with child. And which has let Charlotte’s mother make ends meet by being a courtesan.

Both Anthony and Charlotte felt like they weren’t worth much as human beings, and Lord of Chance was Anthony’s nickname as he sometimes managed to keep his family in riches thanks to playing cards. Now his luck was up, though, and he needed to figure out what to do so he wouldn’t end up in jail. To top it all, he ended up married with Charlotte due to a misunderstanding of Scottish law, and I chuckled to myself as the pair tried to make the best of it. All the while falling for each other. And deciding not to consummate the marriage. And thinking they weren’t good enough for the other.

Lord of Chance is about second beginnings – not necessarily when it comes to love, but when it comes to life. And Anthony and Charlotte both worked hard to better themselves. To earn their keep in an honest way. And to be worthy of each other. Charlotte was delightful, because she was fighting her attraction with everything she had – lest she end up like her mother. Her logical thinking got society ladies lining up for her advice, though, and Anthony managed to make a business out of that.

Written in third person past tense, the narration shared more than enough with the reader to let me feel like I got to know the main characters well. I was rooting for them so much I wanted to cheer when they made progress.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

This particular posting house was a bit dear, given the unpredictable condition of Anthony’s purse, but he’d chosen it for that very reason. Rich guests meant higher profits at the gaming tables. 

Then again, Fate alone dealt the hands. All the subtle cues in the world were useless without the capacity to win.

Miss Charlotte Devon hefted the three gaming purses in her hands and hesitated. Should she play another round? She wasn’t penniless. She wasn’t even risking the entire pot. She could afford the wager. 

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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6 responses to “Review: Lord of Chance – Erica Ridley

  1. It has a really different looking cover for a historical romance. At least, I think so. But your review makes it sound a lot better. Although since he is a gambler and in debt, I think that makes it even more different. I am glad this was such a great read for you Lexxie!

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